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7th November 2022


Dear Colleagues,

Ongoing reminders: 


Head Teachers Termly (virtual) for all Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the borough - please add to diary. 

Please see updated Agenda here:  Head Teachers Termly Agenda - Autumn 2022 (PDF) [120KB]

On 11th November 2022

9:30 - 10:30 am 

Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here   


Governors can sign up to events & briefing sessions here   



Consultation on Community School Published Admission Number (PAN) Reduction 2024-25 

Hillingdon Council has begun consultation on changes to admission arrangements for community schools which will take effect from 2023/24. The consultation document is available to view at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/consultation 

The consultation will be running for 8 weeks from Monday 24 October - Monday 19 December 2022 (12pm finish).  We would invite any responses to be made using the questionnaire available on the website www.hillingdon.gov.uk/consultation . Alternatively, you can email your response to: admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk or write to the School Placement and Admissions Team, Civic Centre, 4E/09, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW.  

Summary of Changes: 

Reduction to the Published Admission Number and distance priority radius for: 

  • Coteford Infant School from 81 to 60, reducing the distance priority radius from 1000m to 750m. 

These changes may affect parents who have children attending your setting, who will be applying for a primary school place in the future. Where possible please can parents be advised about the consultation in any newsletters or upcoming communication.   

All community primary schools have been contacted separately with information to be published on their school website.  


Armistice Day 

We will be holding an Armistice Day event on Friday 11th November 2022 at 11:00 and 11:02 to mark the start and finish of the two-minute silence. This will include Remembrance Maroons being launched from 11 sites across the borough.  The maroons do make a bang which can be very loud. If the site happens to be close to your school you may wish to let your students know to expect it.  


Reminder - School Condition Surveys 

Starting November 2022, the Council will be undertaking a detailed Building Condition Survey of all Community and Foundation Schools.   

This survey will made up of the following 4 elements:  

  • A detailed Building Condition Survey (building fabric, mechanical and electrical and external areas)  
  • Review of the statutory building compliance and required maintenance checks that are being carried at the schools (including: Legionella risk assessments, electrical inspections, Gas Safety inspections, Lift inspections, Asbestos register and any other relevant statutory building compliance checks required at schools)  
  • An assessment of the energy efficiency and performance of the school buildings with options for improvements works.  
  • A measured survey of all buildings on the school site  

These surveys will be carried out by our appointed external consultants Concertus Design & Property Consultants Ltd. They will contact during the next few months to arrange a suitable dates to carry out the surveys and answer any questions you have on the survey process.  

Once the surveys have been completed a copy of the survey reports will be issued to schools to review and one of the Project Managers within the Capital Programme Works Service will be available to meet with you to go through the results.  

Please note this is separate from the Condition Data Collection 2 (CDC2) programme being managed by the Department for Education.  


Free DfE Webinars for Schools on Buying Services - Autumn 2022 

The DfE's autumn programme started earlier this month and the Schools Commercial Team are hosting free webinars on how using DfE's approved frameworks could save staff time and help schools get value for money.   You can find the full programme of webinars for November and December here: free-dfe-webinars-for-schools-autumn-2022  


Update from the Library Service 

BookTrust have confirmed that the Time to Read packs have now started being sent out to primary schools. They will be labelled as a free pack for reception children from BookTrust. Keep a look out for your packs!   This year's Time to Read packs will include a free book - We're going to Find the Monster by Malorie Blackman and Dapo Adeola - a timeless read-aloud adventure about family and magic of the imagination.  

We would like to invite all reception classes to their local library for a special class visit or if you would prefer, we can arrange for a member of staff to visit the children in their classroom.  

Please get in touch with Sam Everett at severett@hillingdon.gov.uk if you would like a class visit, letting us know what library is your closest and whether you would prefer the session in the library or in the classroom.   


Charanga Training - Christmas Performances 

On Thursday 10th November Hillingdon Music Hub are hosting a training session investigating how to use the resources on the Charanga music teaching website for Christmas performances. 

The training is for any teachers who will be producing Christmas performances at their schools and would like support using the Charanga software.  This will take place in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre from 4 - 5.30pm.  Staff will need to park in the public car parks and sign in at the reception at the Civic Centre upon arrival please. 

Please sign up through the Charanga website. 

Contact rporter@hillingdon.gov.uk with any issues or queries. 


Previously shared course offers   

L&D Training for Schools:    

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022    

Time: 9:30 am -11:30 am Via Webinar       

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022    

Time: 1 pm - 3 pm Via Webinar       

Courses are free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person.        

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse. Please click here for more details.    

Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.     



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