Post-16 Mental Health Resources
Health and Wellbeing Resources (PDF, 167 KB)
SEMH Signposting Information 18.10.2022 (PDF, 343 KB)
YA-Psychotherapy-Group-Mind (PDF, 861 KB)
Young Adult Partnership - Consultation request form (Word doc, 61 KB)
HACS Skills and Employment Poster June 2022 (PDF, 146 KB)
Navigator Yiewsley Services March 2022 (PDF, 464 KB)
P3 Services Referral Form 2022 (Word doc, 54 KB)
Hillingdon Health Meeting 15 minute Copy of Kooth Presentation for Professionals (PDF, 2 MB)
Hillingdon Cove - 16+ Leaflet (PDF, 1 MB)
Hillingdon Cove FAQs (2022) (PDF, 1 MB)
Coves - Referral and Outcome Form (Word doc, 59 KB)
Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help - NHS (
Useful contacts - 11-18 year old's mental health - Mind