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28th November 2022


Dear Colleagues,

Ongoing reminders:   


Secondary Schools can sign up for FREE Risk Reduction Through Search and Confiscation Training.  To book a place, email Dhughes@hillingdon.gov.uk 

By 2nd December 

Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here     


Governors can sign up to events & briefing sessions here     



Inspection Training - The Questions the Inspectors Will Ask 

The Education Improvement and Partnerships Service are running a series of virtual sessions by Jason Hughes, lead inspector and LA Primary Education Adviser around the crucial points of the inspection process, EIF 2019. 

Sessions' overview: 

Date and time 

Topic covered and audience 

Session 1: 

Tuesday 24th January 2023  4 pm - 5.30 pm  

Phone Call Preparation - what to expect, the choice for deep dives, what to say and what not to say.  

Headteachers / senior leaders / curriculum leaders 

Session 2: 

Tuesday 31st January 2023 4 pm - 5.30 pm 

Curriculum Leader Preparation - what to expect when questioned on the curriculum, discussing positively both weaker and stronger subjects, the deep dive processes.  

Headteachers / senior leaders / curriculum leaders 

Session 3: 

Tuesday 7th February 2023  4 pm - 5.30 pm 

Subject Leaders Meeting Inspectors - the deep dive process and what to say in the meeting with inspectors.  

Senior leaders / curriculum leaders / subject leaders 

                                                                                                Half Term - 13th - 17th February 

Session 4: 

Tuesday  21st February 2023  4 pm - 5.30 pm 

Preparation for Deep Dives, Subject Leaders Looking at Books - looking at subjects through book looks and work scrutiny.   

Senior leaders / curriculum leaders / subject leaders 

Session 5: 

Tuesday 28th February 2023  4 pm - 5.30pm 

Preparation for deep dives for teachers - what teachers need to know in preparation for a deep dive.  

Curriculum leaders / subject leaders / teachers 

Session 6: 

Tuesday 7th March 2023  4 pm - 5.30 pm 

Bringing Everything Together - what this means for your school, what the next steps are, where to get the information you need, what will inspectors look for in terms of SEND, safeguarding, behaviour and L&M.  

Headteachers / senior leaders / curriculum leaders 


If you or your colleagues wish to sign up to the sessions, please use this form.  MS Teams links will be sent by email nearer the time. Please share this booking link with your colleagues. 


Primary KS2 SATs Update - please forward to assessment leads 

Due to the new bank holiday, the new SATs schedule will be: 

  • Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling) 
  • Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper 
  • Thursday 11 May: Mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning) 
  • Friday 12 May: Mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)   

The KS2 timetable variation (TTV) window for each assessment will also move back one day, in accordance with this change. 
There will be no changes to arrangements for other assessments, including KS2 teacher assessments, key stage 1 tests and teacher assessments, the phonics screening check and the multiplication tables check. Dates and deadlines for these assessments remain as previously announced. 
In exceptional circumstances, for 2023 only, the STA will approve applications for TTVs arising from booked residentials, trips or similar events scheduled for Friday 12 May only. Schools will need to reschedule the date of the test (mathematics paper 3) for the affected pupils in line with updated guidance. 
Schools with urgent queries can contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013 or for general queries by email at assessments@education.gov.uk


157 / 175 Safeguarding Audit 

In October the 157/175 Safeguarding Audit was shared with your DSLs and I am sure that they have made you aware as I know you will be supporting the process. Please be reminded the deadline for returns is 2nd December, Friday of this week. 

Thank you to all of you who have already submitted your completed audit. 

Nicole Diamond, Lead Child Protection Advisor for Schools & Deputy LADO 


London Borough of Hillingdon Infant & Junior Amalgamation Policy 

Following consultation with stakeholders, the Infant & Junior School Amalgamation Policy has been approved by the Council's Cabinet. You can find the approved policy here.  


Primary Singing Festival, 27th March 2023 

After last year's successful Primary Singing Festival, we are expanding the festival to include up to 22 schools, with two early evening performances for parents at the Beck Theatre in Hayes.  

Led by our partners at Voices Foundation, school groups will be able to perform a solo, participate in multiple workshops and perform in a massed song. There will also be a twilight workshops for school music leads in the New Year. 

Entry to schools is free and the last event was heavily subscribed. To find out more details about the festivals and concerts and to sign up, please visit our website.  The deadline for school sign ups is Friday 16th December. 


Fostering Team Request - please forward to staff / parents / carers 

Please share this information with your parents/carers and staff via any means you feel appropriate. Would you consider sending this out with school newsletters or via parent/carer communications via apps or placing this information on your school's website? 

Have you ever thought about Fostering, but were not sure if you could do it? 

Hillingdon Council's Fostering Team is looking for people who can provide different types of fostering and is encouraging local people to consider fostering or raise awareness among family and friends. 

People from all backgrounds can foster, the minimum age is 25, and a spare bedroom is needed for any child fostered over the age of 2. We support and guide you in the fostering role and you receive a generous allowance, among other benefits.  

 Want to find out more about fostering? Attend one of our virtual events on Microsoft teams: 

Tuesday 13 December 2022, 2 - 3pm 

Tuesday, 10 January 2023, 2 - 3 pm 

Tuesday, 14 February 2023, 2 - 3pm 

Registration details: Fostering information event (virtual) - Discover Hillingdon 

You can contact us today to discuss your circumstances, on 0800 783 1298   email fosteringrecruitment@hillingdon.gov.uk  or visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/fostering 


Previously shared L&D Training for Schools:   

An Introduction to Social and Emotional Health (SEMH) 

12th January 2023 4 - 6 pm  

Changing Behaviour UK are offering this Webinar which is designed to help staff and teachers to better understand and support children and young people who present with social, emotional and mental health difficulties.  Please book here  

This course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £65 per person.  

Please book your places for any courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.  



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