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30th January 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Ongoing reminders:    


Maintained schools should submit their Climate Action Plans 

By 28th April 

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here 


Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here  


Governors can sign up to virtual events & briefing sessions here 



Spring School Census - Errors and Return Level Notes 

Many schools have started to submit their Spring School, thank you. All schools are encountering at least one of the following errors. Please input the following Return Level Notes so we can approve your return and the DfE can authorise it. We will not approve your return until there are explanations of errors/queries. 

  • 4015Q - Please check: no School Arranged Alternative Provision (AP) placements have been provided. If zero, then enter "4015Q - Confirmed as correct".

  • 4007Q - Please check: no pupils on roll are in receipt of National Tutoring Programme (NTP). If no tutoring provided so far this year, then enter "4007Q - Confirmed as correct" 

  • 564Q, 565Q or 566Q- Please check: Infant/Primary/Secondary admissions appeals figures should be provided and are expected to be greater than zero. If zero, then enter "564Q/565Q or 566Q - school did not have any infant/primary/secondary admission appeals". 

We do not know your data or have access to your MIS, so please make every effort to correct your own errors. Details of the Validation Rules and Acceptable Return Level Notes have already been sent to you.  Thank you. 

Data Team 


Head Teachers Termly  

All Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the borough are invited to this virtual session.  Details are: 

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • 2 - 4 pm 

  • Virtual Session - MS Teams link and agenda to be shared shortly  


The Role of the LADO 

The Hillingdon Local Authority Designated Officer/LADO (Hannah Ives) is running free training sessions around the role of the LADO and managing allegations against staff and volunteers (children's workforce). 

This 3 hour multi-agency course is suitable for headteachers, chair of governors and senior leaders who are responsible for managing allegations in their settings (or supporting in the process), or as preparation for a role that requires this.  

The course will: 

  • Provide an understanding of what an allegation is and how allegations against professionals/volunteers arise 

  • Explore national and local guidance in relation to managing allegations 

  • Provide an understanding of the different roles and responsibilities involved in effectively managing allegations including; 

  • The role of the Local Authority Designated Officer and the LADO process 

  • Increase confidence in your decision-making including through the exploration of case studies.   

Dates available to book training via Learning Zone are:  

14 February 2023 - 9:30 - 12:30 (In person - Committee Room 4, Civic Centre UB8 1UW) 

4 May 2023 - 09:30 - 12:30 (Online via MS Teams)  

27 June 2023 - 09:30 - 12:30 (Online via MS Teams)  

4 October 2023 - 09:30 - 12:30 (In person - Committee Room 4, Civic Centre UB8 1UW)  

26 February 2024 - 09:30 - 12:30 (Online via MS Teams)  

Please click this link to book Managing Allegations against staff and volunteers/LADO training: Managing Allegations against staff and volunteers/LADO training - 2023/2024 (learningpool.com) 

For Learning Zone access related queries or any issues with booking, please email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk  


SEND & Inclusion Newsletter 

Please see link to the latest SEND & Inclusion Newsletter - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk) 


Spring Term Primary Music Network Meeting 

On Tuesday 7th February at 4pm, Hillingdon Music Hub will be hosting the Spring Primary Music Network Meeting for music coordinators and music specialists who work in the Borough's Primary Schools. 

The meeting will be held via MS Teams and is an opportunity to discuss music education in Hillingdon's schools. Please pass on the link below to your colleagues and feel free to direct any questions or apologies to rporter@hillingdon.gov.uk 

Please click here to join the meeting 


Blast! Online Competition 

This half term Hillingdon Music Hub are hosting an online music competition for all KS2 classes in schools across the Borough. 

The Hillingdon "Blast! Online" competition is an opportunity for schools to showcase their progress in their whole class instrumental lessons. There will be one winner in each year group and an overall winning class who will be rewarded with a musical experience for their school. 

To take part, schools must submit a recording of their classes playing an instrumental piece of music. This recording should be about 1 minute long. Entries close on Friday 10th February 2023. 

For more information or to enter your classes, please visit: Opportunities to get involved in events - Hillingdon Council 

Please note performances must be of a whole class and cannot include singers.  


Are You a Fostering Hero in the Making? - please share with staff & parents / carers 

Why not start off the new year by committing to making a positive change in your and a child's life?  
Hillingdon Council Fostering is actively recruiting foster carers. If you've ever thought about fostering, or know someone who has, please contact us by phoning 0800 783 1298, emailing fosteringrecruitment@hillingdon.gov.uk or via our online form, available by accessing this link: Register your interest - Hillingdon Council  

We are also running virtual information sessions on Tuesday 14th February & 14th March (2pm to 3pm).  Full details can be found here: Fostering information events - Discover Hillingdon 

Fostering 2021 A4 Poster 1 Online (PDF) [1MB]

Fostering 2021 A4 Poster 2 Online (PDF) [1MB]


Annual Return and Pensionable Pay Workshop for School Employers  

As advertised in the email communication to Employers with the draft Annual Return template sent in December 2022, we can now confirm the dates and times of these sessions. If you would like to reserve a space on any of the sessions, please choose from the list below and use the link provided.  Please note there is NO charge for attendance at any of these sessions. 

Hampshire Pension Services will be providing workshops to employers to support in the preparation for the 2023 annual return process including: 

  • Helping employers understand the annual return requirements and process that will apply from 31 March 2023 year-end 

  • Work through the principles of Pensionable Pay to help with annual returns 

The following sessions are available (limited spaces): 

  • For London Borough of Hillingdon Employers online (Teams) session will be held on 22nd February 2023 at 10 am (2.5 hrs): Click here 

  • For London Borough of Hillingdon Employers online (Teams) session will be held on 10th March 2022 at 1 pm (2.5 hrs): Click here 

If you require further assistance, please contact Hampshire Pension Services E-mail: pensions@hants.gov.uk. Web: www.hants.gov.uk/pensions 



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