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27th February 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with any colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting.  Many thanks.

Ongoing reminders:     


All Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers are invited to this term's virtual Head Teachers Termly. Please see agenda here:  Head Teachers Termly Agenda - Spring 2023 (PDF) [118KB]  A link to join the meeting is in the Agenda.

On Thursday 9th March  2- 4 pm

Clerks to governing bodies are invited to the LA Schools' Governance Service Event for All Clerks. No registration needed.  Please click here to join the meeting 

On Tuesday 21st March 10 - 11 am

Maintained schools should submit their Climate Action Plans  

By 28th April  

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here  


Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here   


Governors can sign up to virtual events & briefing sessions here  



IDSR Ofsted Update for Schools

Ofsted have updated the inspection data summary report (IDSR) accessed here: 

Ofsted | Inspection Data Summary Report

Ofsted have added Key stage 2 revised, Key stage 1 final and Phonics final. They have also made minor changes to the pupil movement section of the secondary school IDSR.

For further information please see the IDSR guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/school-inspection-data-summary-report-idsr-guide

If you have any questions, please email the team at: School.Performance.Data@ofsted.gov.uk

This, and all future updates to the IDSR will also be announced on the IDSR News Page:

IDSR: news and updates - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Safeguarding in Education: Learning from Case Reviews

NSPCC Learning has published a briefing on learning from case reviews for the education sector: Education: learning from case reviews | NSPCC Learning

If you have not already read it, please take the time to do so.


Emerging Talent Competition

Hillingdon Music Service are hosting a competition for instrumentalists from any culture or tradition and is open to children aged 11-18 at Grade 5+ standard (or equivalent).

Please encourage eligible pupils to take part this exciting competition where finalists will get the opportunity to perform in a special concert at The Global Academy on 29th April. The winners will get receive tickets to Classic FM Live in October.  Application deadline 17 March 2023.

Emerging Talent competition - Hillingdon Council

Emerging Talent 2023 (PDF) [735KB]


Plant-based Cooking in Schools Online Workshop

ProVeg UK invites you to join the third online School Plates Plant-Based Cooking in Schools workshop of 2023. These sessions are aimed at caterers, or anyone else who is interested, from individual schools. There will be demonstrations on how to prepare simple inexpensive, nutritionally balanced, and most importantly, tasty, plant-based recipes that children will love! School Plates is the flagship programme of ProVeg UK delivering menu change in UK schools to improve the health of our children and the planet.

Join them at 3pm on Wednesday 15th of March 2023.  Register here 

  • An introduction to the School Plates programme
  • Why it's important to offer healthy and sustainable menus with planet-friendly meals 
  • Cooking demonstrations of 4 NEW SCHOOL PLATES RECIPES 

If you'd like to watch any of the 2022/23 workshops, here are the links:

May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 January 2023 



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