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Attendance Support Training - Summer Term 2023

An Overview of the Attendance Support Team, Function and Targeted Support Meetings

Session 1 Slides - Introduction to the Attendance Support Team (PDF) [351KB]


Parent Contracts/Panel Agreements, Education Supervision Orders (ESO)

Session 2 Slides - Parent Contracts Panel Agreements, Education Supervision Orders (ESO) (PDF) [969KB]

Attendance Panel Agreement Guide Final (PDF) [132KB]

Attendance Panel Agreement Form Blank (Word doc) [32KB]

Parenting Contract Agreement Guide Final (PDF) [133KB]

Parenting Contract Agreement blank form (Word doc) [32KB]

Formal interventions Parenting Contract Flowchart (PDF) [48KB]

Formal Interventions Attendance Panel Flowchart (PDF) [68KB]


Children Missing Education (CME) & School Attendance Orders (SAO) Witness Statements

Session 3 CME Presentation Slides (PDF) [344KB]


 Witness Statements & Holiday Penalty Notices (HPN)

Please be advised that the first bullet point on slide 27 in the videop should read 'It has not been received within 14 days of the child returning'.

Session 4 - Witness Statements & Holiday Penalty Notices (HPN) Slides (PDF) [733KB]

Statement of Witness template (Word doc) [57KB]

Statement of Witness Exhibit Template (Word doc) [45KB]


Questions & Answers

Summer Term Training Sessions FAQs (Word doc) [37KB]


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