Special Educational Needs and Disability and AP
Alternative Provision is sometimes used to meet statutory requirements for identified special educational needs and/or disabilities including children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Alternative Provision is used in a number of circumstances, including for those at risk of exclusion or who are disengaging from learning, in managing behaviour in schools, improving attendance and supporting the SEMH needs of pupils.
There will also be some instances whereby the SEND Service need to consider the use of an alternative provision where there is a need for interim education when a school is no longer able to meet a child's specific needs and a suitable placement to meet need is being identified; when a short-term specialist intervention is identified to support their progress and development and enable their engagement in education. This may be due to an emerging need or where an EHCA process commences, medical need or where they have moved into the area.
There may be instances where parental or young person's preference for Education other than at School (EOTAS) requires this type of intervention and for them to be supported into moving back into mainstream or specialist education.