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12th June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting.  Many thanks.

Ongoing reminders:      


Headteachers or Deputy Heads should attend the Head Teachers' Termly.  Please click here to join the meeting 

On Thursday 15th June 2023 2 - 4 pm 

Governors can sign up to the 'Governors & School Data' training session on 27th June at 6 pm.  Please click here to sign up  

By Friday 16th June 2023

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here   



Consultancy Services for Building & Construction

The Procurement Team have recently set up a consultancy Framework in relation to building and construction consultancy that schools can access if they wish. 

Please see this here:  Consultancy Services - User Guide (PDF) [279KB]


Data Team Updates

School Census - Note issued by DfE

We have received this update from the DfE:

Summer school census 2023

This is a reminder of the impending deadline for approved submissions being Wednesday 14th June.

All schools with a return status in COLLECT of loaded and validated, amended by source, or amended by agent, it will be deemed outstanding regardless of whether it is loaded and consequently will not be further processed by the department.

We have a large number of returns without notepad explanations for errors and/or queries.  Where validation queries are raised in COLLECT, an explanation will be required for these queries in the return level notes field within COLLECT. 

Please note that the department will require sufficient detail in these explanations to allow the queries to be accepted and returns authorised.  Available on the school census website (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/complete-the-school-census/check-your-data) is a guide detailing what is regarded as an acceptable notepad entry for queries on the summer census.  Within this workbook there are separate tables for school level queries, pupil level queries and term on term queries.  Please ensure the query number is included in the note.

Please note, it is data providers responsibility to resolve any errors and/or queries and they should not wait for the Department to contact them before addressing such issues.

A school census bulletin is in the process of being issued to all local authority and school census contacts.


Summer School Census - Update & Frequent Errors

Thank you to all schools that have had their census returns authorised by the DfE. There are still schools that have not submitted their returns.  If this is not done soon you will not be able to correct your errors and the DfE will not authorise your return.

We have 6 schools that have either not loaded their return yet or have loaded it but need to resolve errors and submit the return.  Once your return is submitted the DfE begins to assume you have met your statutory obligation. We look forward to receiving your returns soon.  We cannot approve your return until all issues have been addressed and the return submitted.

There are still 40 error/queries that need corrections or Return Level Notes added to your return.  DfE will not authorise your return until the issue is fixed or a suitable explanation is provided as a Return Level note.

Below is a document named "Collect_guide_for_schools_July-2019.pdf", please refer to Page 16 Errors which explains how to view all your errors and enter Return Level Notepad entries.  Feel free to contact us at schoolcensus@hillingdon.gov.uk for additional support.

Collect_guide_for_schools_July-2019 (PDF) [2MB]


Attainment - Discrepancies in Pupil Numbers

On 22nd May we published an article that had errors.  We referred to it as FSP where it should have been Phonics 2.  Please accept our apologies.  This article replaces that and requests your help with pupil numbers.  The DfE has now re-issued their Phonics 2 expected numbers.  There are omissions in the first set of numbers, for instance:

1.    Six schools were omitted from the first release but included in the second release.

2.    There are only about 13 or 14 schools where the pupil numbers match in the first release compared to the second.  For instance, there is school that is reported in the first release with 25 pupils but has 40 in the second.

The DfE gather these numbers from the Spring Census.  The second release numbers are all either equal to or greater than the first release.  Hopefully this is the result of you updating the DfE on expected numbers.

We intend to use the Nexus Cohort Size validation functionality.  This compares the expected number against the number of scores/grades received.  Please send us your expected cohort sizes for FSP, Phonics 1, Phonics 2, KS1 and KS2 so we can identify any issues.

Below is a spreadsheet from the DfE that lists each school and the number of Phonics 2 tests expected.  As yet they have not released Phonics 1, FSP, KS1 or KS2 numbers.

The schools expected to report are:

-       maintained schools,

-       academies, and

-       private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) settings.

Pupils to be included are:

·         PVI settings - where the child is receiving government-funded early years education.  They will be eligible for funding if they were born between 1st April 2018 and 31st August 2018.

·         Maintained schools and Academies - all children that are funded during the summer term.

·         The child has reached age 5 during the 2022/2023 academic year unless they have gained an exemption.

·         Do not submit data for unfunded children.

Please send an email to attainment@hillingdon.gov.uk if you have any discrepancies.

312 Hillingdon (Excel doc) [24KB]

Thank you.

The Data Team


Universal Free School Meals Webinar

The GLA are hosting a webinar, to take place on 15th June at 12 pm and will be focused on free school meal registration and pupil premium. This will share good practice examples and practical solutions to free school meal registration and pupil premium. All the sessions are being recorded and will be uploaded on their website. To register for the event please follow the link here


Ofsted's Webinars for Schools

'Summer season' has just been published on the Ofsted: Schools and further education & skills (FES) blog. This summer the webinars are on:

  • Curriculum and subject leadership (28th June, 4-5pm)
  • Early years in schools (3rd July, 4-5pm)

Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/OfstedWebinars.

Read the new post: https://educationinspection.blog.gov.uk/2023/06/08/ofsteds-webinars-for-schools-summer-season/


Raising the Awareness of School Staff about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children

June is Traveller History Month!

To celebrate this and to support our schools, we are offering staff an online training course on cultural awareness of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK. This course is free of charge and is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of these communities.

This comprehensive learning package on cultural awareness of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK was written and developed with national charity, Friends Families and Travellers. 

Informative and interactive, it is comprised of four modules covering Gypsy and Traveller history and culture, the main challenges for these communities, what can be done to help these groups access services, such as those in healthcare, and how to improve their participation in other areas such as education.

We would like you to ask all staff to undertake this training. Raising awareness of staff in schools was identified as a key recommendation in research Hillingdon Council commissioned into the experience of GRT children.

This should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

Learning Zone accounts:

School staff should already have access to our learning portal - Learning Zone. Learning Zone usernames are your school email address and forgotten passwords can be reset on the login page.

If a member of staff has not registered for a Learning Zone account previously, please complete this form to request an account (Learning Zone Access Request for Schools (office.com)). Please check with your school administrator if you already have a Learning Zone account.

Click here to log in and access Gypsy and Traveller Cultural Awareness eLearning module

Once you have completed and passed the entire programme, you will be able to download your certificate, if you want it for your own records.  


Please share with parents/carers

Universal Youth Service - Summer Youth Activities Programme

The Universal Youth Service is running the Summer Activities Programme for children and young people in school year 1-12 from Monday 24th July to Friday 25th August 2023. These will be delivered across the borough at South Ruislip, Ruislip, and Harlington Young People's Centre's. The booking system will go live on Monday 26th June 2023, to find out more information about the programme and how to book, please look at the webpage: www.hillingdon.gov.uk/summer-activitieswww.hillingdon.gov.uk/summer-activities

If the child/young person is on free school meal (benefit related) in Hillingdon, they will be eligible for a free HAF place which includes a meal each day. If you are a resident or non-resident the cost of the programme is £18:40 per day and activities are booked as a week-long programme.


Summer Reading Challenge

Hillingdon Libraries will once again be delivering the Summer Reading Challenge across all  libraries. The theme for this year is Ready, Set, Read! This year's Challenge will be all about games and sports and is brought to life by the brilliant children's illustrator, Loretta Schauer. 

We will be launching the challenge on Saturday 8th July and have arranged some virtual events to help promote the SRC to your children to hopefully help them stay focused on their reading over the summer and earn free rewards along the way. 

  • Friday 7th July - 'The Big Draw Along with Loretta Schauer' - Loretta will be joining us for 2 sessions on Teams. The first session will be at 9.30am & aimed at KS1. The second session will be at 10.45am & aimed at KS2 
  • Wednesday 12th July 9.30am - Virtual assembly for KS1 
  • Friday 14th July 9.30am- Virtual assembly for KS2 

If you would like to book onto any of the above sessions, then please contact Sam Everett severett@hillingdon.gov.uk . In your email, please include the number of classes you expect to attend each of the sessions. 


Trauma Informed Schools with Dr Karen Treisman MBE

Hillingdon Virtual School are delighted to share that Dr Karen Treisman will be hosting a free two-day webinar for us on Trauma Informed Schools.

This webinar will provide an overview of what we mean by moving towards being a more trauma-informed school. This will give some of the main principles, ideas, and values. As well as some tangible tools and suggestions. For those who have attended previous sessions there will be some overlap and this will build on that existing knowledge. For those who are new this will give an introduction and flavour into trauma-informed schools to support you on your ongoing journey.

The sessions will also include the importance of understanding Behaviour as Communication and The Power of Language

Please do share this with colleagues who you feel would benefit from this training session.

  • On: Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June
  • At9.30 am - 4.00 pm Via Zoom

If you wish to attend, please book your place here  no later than Friday 16th June.


Uxbridge High School's Powerful Pedagogy CPD Event

Teaching staff from all subjects are invited to a Powerful Pedagogy event taking place on Monday 26th June from 3.45 - 4:45 pm at Uxbridge High School. We know how important it is to grow and strengthen our networks across West London - there is so much great practice happening across our boroughs to share! The event will take the form of a "speed-dating" conversation where colleagues are invited to discuss a strategy that has proved powerful or transformational this academic year. What is the one strategy, tactic or tool that had the most impact in your classrooms?

This event is open to all secondary subjects. We'd also like to extend a warm welcome to any primary transition colleagues who wish to get involved! Refreshments & Prizes to be won!

To register for your place, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/powerful-pedagogy-tickets-642122855747

Powerful Pedagogy CPD (PDF) [455KB]


Join the Dots

Join the Dots is a fully funded transition programme run by The Brilliant Club and partner universities, for students progressing to university this autumn.

On Results Day, students progressing to a partner university are matched with a PhD coach from their university who supports them with their study skills, coursework, and any other concerns or issues they may have. There is no cost for schools/colleges/students taking part in the programme.

We have two sign-up routes:

  1. For schools and colleges who wish to be involved. The ask is that a member of staff meets with each student twice, once before they finish Y13 and again (virtually) in December with their PhD coach. They'd then support the student to return to school and deliver a university information, advice, and guidance session. The school/college sign up link is here. Deadline 20th June.
  1. Where schools and colleges do not have the capacity for involvement in the programme, students can register independently and we will share programme information with them directly. The student registration link is here. Deadline 1st September.

Any student who has applied to a partner university (The University of Bristol, Durham University, The University of Essex (for students from Essex), The University of Kent, The University of Manchester, The University of Sheffield, Leeds Trinity University, Goldsmiths University of London and King's College London) is eligible to join the programme.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Join the Dots team at jtd@thebrilliantclub.org.



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