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19th June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting.  Many thanks.

Ongoing reminders:      


Education Contacts can be found on LEAP here


Schools can sign up to SEND Training here   



Please share with staff / parents / carers

Upcoming By-election

The by-election for the parliamentary constituency of Uxbridge and South Ruislip will take place on Thursday 20th July following the resignation of Boris Johnson as a Member of Parliament on Friday 9th June. 

Residents living in the constituency, who are registered to vote, will need to show a form of photo ID at the polling station. Accepted forms of photo ID include passports, driving licences, eligible travel passes, blue badges and PASS cards. Only original documents are accepted; photos of your ID, copies or digital versions saved on phones and smart devices will not be accepted. 

If you don't have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate before 5pm on Wednesday 12th July. You must already be registered to vote. Find out more at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/voter-id.

The deadline for residents living in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip parliamentary constituency to register to vote in the upcoming by-election is Tuesday 4th July.

More information about how to register to vote is available at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/register-vote.


Level 1 Safeguarding Training for All School Staff

Here on LEAP is the Level 1 Safeguarding Training for school staff (also attached to this email as the Ppt presentation with notes). This has been sent out to all DSLs already and is a resource for them to use to deliver the training in the Autumn term.


Head Teachers' Termly - Summer Term 2023

Thank you to those who attended.  Please see below presentation slides used at the meeting.

SI model HTT June 2023 (PDF) [88KB]

Climate Action Update May 2023 (PDF) [238KB]

Safeguarding Audit Presentation - HTT 15.06.23 (PDF) [228KB]

Universal Free School Meals Presentation final- HTT 15.06.23 (PDF) [371KB]



Please see link below to the GLA's Universal Free School Meals Good Practice webinars:

Schools Hub https://www.london.gov.uk/who-we-are/what-mayor-does/priorities-london/emergency-universal-free-school-meal-provision/guidance-and-support-schools

The next webinar will be held on at 1 - 2 pm on 30th June and will be focused on school kitchens. If you are interesting attending this event please click here to register:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gla-ufsm-good-practice-webinar-school-kitchens-tickets-660505729417

Please also continue to access the LEAP page on Universal Free School Meals for regular updates.

The LA are running information sessions on:

If you have any queries, they can be raised here.  We look forward to seeing you.


Senior Mental Health Lead Training

Have youapplied for the DfE's senior mental health lead training grant

The take up across Hillingdon is 48% compared with approximately 58% nationally. We encourage all schools to apply.  Further information can be found here:

You can find further support on LEAP here: Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for Staff - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)


Raising the Awareness of School Staff about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children

June is Traveller History Month!

To celebrate this and to support our schools, we are offering staff an online training course on cultural awareness of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK. This course is free of charge and is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of these communities.

This comprehensive learning package on cultural awareness of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK was written and developed with national charity, Friends Families and Travellers. Informative and interactive, it is comprised of four modules covering Gypsy and Traveller history and culture, the main challenges for these communities, what can be done to help these groups access services, such as those in healthcare, and how to improve their participation in other areas such as education.

We would like you to ask all staff to undertake this training. Raising awareness of staff in schools was identified as a key recommendation in research Hillingdon Council commissioned into the experience of GRT children. This should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

Learning Zone accounts:

School staff should already have access to our learning portal - Learning Zone. Learning Zone usernames are your school email address and forgotten passwords can be reset on the login page.

If a member of staff has not registered for a Learning Zone account previously, please complete this form to request an account (Learning Zone Access Request for Schools (office.com)). Please check with your school administrator if you already have a Learning Zone account.

Click here to log in and access Gypsy and Traveller Cultural Awareness eLearning module

Once you have completed and passed the entire programme, you will be able to download your certificate, if you want it for your own records.  


ECT Induction

As you will already know, Local Authorities will no longer be acting as the Appropriate Body Service for ECT Induction from July 2023.  We will continue to support any existing ECTs that you have registered with us until the end of July 2024.

Teach West London will be running an Online Briefing session on 28th June from 9.30 - 10.30 am titled An Introduction to TWL Appropriate Body Service / Leading ECT Induction 2023-2024. This is free session and open to any interested schools.

Further information regarding TWL's programme of Training and Guidance for 2023/2024, including how to sign up for the 28thJune Online Briefing, can be found on their website: https://teachwestlondon.org.uk/appropriate-body/programme-of-training-and-guidance

Register with Teach West London Appropriate Body Service here: https://teachwestlondon.org.uk/appropriate-body/how-to-register

If you have any questions please contact ECTManager@hillingdon.gov.uk or you can reach Teach West London directly on: Tel: 020 3301 3180 or Email: Info@teachwestlondon.org.uk

ECT Appropriate Body Service



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