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Grants & Funding Opportunities for Schools


The Teacher Development Fund from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation aims to support primary school arts-based teaching. Offers around 6 grants of up to £150,000 each year to partnerships between arts/cultural organisations and 5 to 10 schools.  Applications open in September. 


The Foyle Foundation offers grants to state-funded schools to buy books and equipment for libraries. It may also contribute towards the cost of library software, IT equipment and furniture. Grants generally range between £2,000 and £10,000. 


The Roman Society offers funding to schools to promote the teaching of Latin and Roman studies. Grants are for purchasing textbooks and resources, but they can also be used for study days - especially if they benefit large numbers of children throughout the year and can be repeated in successive years. Grants from £50 to £600. Three deadlines per year: 1 February, 1 June and 1 November. 

The Classical Association offers grants to schools to support the study of classical topics. It also provides CPD events for school teachers of classical subjects. Three types of grant: schools grant (up to £500), outreach grant (£2,500 or less) and a major projects grant (over £2,500). Applications for the schools and outreach programmes can be made at any time. Two deadlines for major project grants: 1 March and 1 September. 

Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies usually offers grants to cover the costs of the development of new courses in Greek, teaching materials, Greek plays and Classics days or conferences. Grants usually range from £100 to £500. Two deadlines each year: 1 May and 1 October. 

Charitable Organisations with an Education Focus

A list of charities based in the UK with contextual information:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Educational_charities_based_in_the_United_Kingdom

Educational Trusts Forum: an association of educational trusts that work together and individually to give young people the best start in life through supporting their home circumstances and facilitating a good education. Each member charity is independent and has its own criteria for making awards. They can provide assistance to parents and guardians to support their children: https://educational-grants.org/find-charity/?all=1

Turn2Us: Turn2us is a national charity providing practical information and support to end financial insecurity. They support families and individuals: https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk/

Charity Excellence: finds funders for small charities:

·       https://www.charityconnect.co.uk/post/trusts-that-fund-education/4513

·       https://www.charityexcellence.co.uk/

·       https://www.charityexcellence.co.uk/Home/BlogDetail?Link=New_UK_Charity_Grant_Funders

Charity Choice lists charities that provide funds to students, schools, colleges and universities: https://www.charitychoice.co.uk/charities/education-and-training

London School of Economics: list of grant giving bodies who sponsor a range of students to complete university level study: https://info.lse.ac.uk/current-students/financial-support/grant-making-bodies

Grants Online: lists all grants available in the UK for education and training purposes. These can be accessed by schools, settings and education providers. Includes lists of regionally funded projects: https://www.grantsonline.org.uk/news/education-and-training/

Funds Online provides a list of funders to charities:

·       https://www.dsc.org.uk/

·       https://www.dsc.org.uk/publication/the-directory-of-grant-making-trusts-2024-25/

·       https://fundsonline.org.uk/

Community Projects 

The UK Community Foundations website has details and links to the 47 accredited community foundations in the UK, each of which has funding streams available that target particular issues in their geographical area. 

The National Farmers Union (NFU) Mutual Charitable Trust provides grants for projects that impact rural communities. The trustees meet twice a year to consider applications. Deadlines for 2023: 26 May and 27 October 

Tesco Stronger Starts  Community Programme launched on 1st July 2023. The scheme will provide £5 million in grants to help give school children across the UK a healthier, more active, stronger start in life. The programme will support 5,000 schools and children's groups every year. If you would like to nominate a school you can do so here

Get Grants

Disadvantaged Children 

BBC Children in Need - emergency essentials programme is for children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances. It funds critical items such as clothing and bedding. 

Educational Projects 

Educational charities based in the United Kingdom

The Wolfson Foundation awards grants to state-funded secondary schools and sixth-form colleges to improve the teaching of GCSEs and A-levels in science, computer science, design and technology, art, languages, music and performing arts. Minimum grant amount is £15,000 and grants do not normally exceed £100,000, with some match funding required for projects over £50,000. Two deadlines a year for the first stage of the application process: 10 January and 10 June. 

The Garfield Weston Foundation awards grants to educational projects. The foundation also supports arts, community, welfare, youth and environmental projects. 'Regular grants' for applications below £100,000 and 'major grants' for applications of £100,000 or more. 

Blue Spark Foundation offers grants for educational, cultural, sporting and other projects that aim to improve the education and development of children. Many grants are under £2,000 and none more than £5,000.  

The National Lottery Community Fund offers funding to support community projects and also larger projects. Schools must show that their project will involve, and have a positive impact on, the wider community. Community project grants up to £10,000 and larger grants over £10,000. 

Benefact Trust awards grants to Christian organisations, including schools, supporting projects that make a positive difference to people and communities. Small grants from £1,000 to £15,000. 

Environmental & Outdoor Projects 

The Metropolitan Public Gardens Association gives funding and practical assistance to community gardens and green sites across London. Grants availabe are up to £1,500.  No deadline, but applications will be considered at the trustees' quarterly meetings at the end of February, May, August and November.

The Nineveh Charitable Trust offers grants to schools and other organisations for UK-based projects that benefit the general public. Education, access and preservation of the countryside are common themes.  Applications welcome at any time, but are considered at the trustees' quarterly meetings

The Primary Awards for Green Education in Schools gives prizes to primary schools for work that promotes environmental education for children aged 5 to 11.  Prizes between £100 and £2,000.  Deadline is 3 May 2024.

School Garden Grants | School Food Matters provide funding for schools to grow their own fruit and vegetables.


The Royal Geographical Society offer funding for geography teachers at secondary level to develop imaginative and creative educational resources with the help of a university collaborator:  2 grants of £1,000 a year. The deadline is 15 February each year. 


State-funded secondary schools that teach Mandarin can apply to the Institute of Education's Mandarin Excellence Programme for funding to support developing the school into a centre of excellence for the teaching of Mandarin. Schools that participate receive at least £20,000 per academic year. Schools can express their interest in joining throughout the year. 

Music, Heritage & Crafts 

The Radcliffe Trust offers grants principally in 2 sectors: music, and heritage and crafts. Grants are generally between £2,500 and £7,500. 2 deadlines each year: 31 January and 31 July.

Youth Music Network  offers a wide variety of grants that fund music programmes for children. Take a look at the site to find out which grants you're eligible for and when you'll need to apply.  Smaller grants (Trailblazer grant) between £2,000 and £30,000, and larger grants (Catalyser grant) up to £300,000. Deadlines: Trailblazer - January 2024; Catalyser - May 2024


The Jerusalem Trust supports the teaching of Christianity within RE by awarding grants to state-funded primary, middle and secondary schools for the purchase of resources. Grants up to £600. 


Special schools and colleges can apply to The Wolfson Foundation for capital funding for building refurbishments, new buildings and equipment. Minimum grant amount is £15,000 and match funding required for projects over £50,000. 

The Clothworkers' Foundation offers capital projects. Grants can be used for building renovations, or to purchase fixtures, fittings, equipment or vehicles. 

Variety, the children's charity, offers grants for specialist equipment that will directly benefit or support children with disabilities. Grants usually less than £5,000. Applications can be submitted at any time, but there is a limit of one application per year. 


A number of grants are available to schools from Sport England

The Football Foundation offers grants for a range of improvements and equipment for football pitches. 


The DfE offers premium payments for chemistry, computing, mathematics and physics teachers in state-funded secondary schools. Payments can be  between £1,500 and £3,000 . Applications are open (apply before 31 March 2024), and will run every year up to 2024/25.

Trips & International Understanding 

UK-German Connection gives funding to UK schools that have a partnership with a German school. Funding streams usually centre on work-focused programmes, project-based programmes and visits.  Grants up to £1,000 (partnership visit fund and school partnership bursaries), up to £2,500 (instant impact fund), and up to £10,000 (flexible funding scheme). Applications for the 2023-24 school partnership bursaries are open. Flexible funding scheme has 3 deadlines a year: 31 January, 31 May and 31 October

The Daiwa Foundation offers grants to promote and support interaction between the UK and Japan.  Grants between £2,000 and £9,000. 2 deadlines each year: 31 March and 30 September.

The YHA's Educational Breaks Programme can provide support to schools struggling to meet the costs of residential trips. To be eligible, your school must have 20% or more of pupils registered for free school meals or the pupil premium. It also offers similar support to special schools and alternative provision settings.

Happy Days Children's Charity has funding available for day trips and group activity holidays aimed at children and young people with additional needs.

Information correct as at January 2024


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