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12th September 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting. Thank you.



Headteachers, SBMs and Governors can sign up to Finance Information Sharing & Networking Sessions here


All DSLs should sign up to the DSL Development Day on 13th October 2023 here .

By 29th September

Schools should sign up to the Educational Visits Coordinator Training on 14th November 2023 here.

By 31st October

Governors can sign up to training sessions here


Education Contacts can be found on LEAP here


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership - Leap



Hillingdon Headteachers Conference 2023 - 'Strengthening Local Area Partnerships & Collaboration'

On: Thursday 5th October 2023

Time: 9.30 - 4 pm

Venue: Oak Wood School

Please register to attend here by 22nd September: Conference Registration

Programme for the day will be shared shortly.


Approach to Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) & SEND Designated Units (DU) and Quality Assurance Documents.

Government aims to introduce transformational reform for children and young people with SEND in relation to the Government plans for better, fairer access to high quality special educational needs and disabilities support. In line with this we have been working over the summer to ensure that we have sufficient support in place for our children, young people and families in Hillingdon with SEND.

As we start a new term with many changes happening in SEND and Education, in relation to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan which aims to provide the Right Support, Right Place, Right Time (March 2023). We have been reviewing the provision in Hillingdon.

To further improve our offer, we have been working on producing a document and guidance, Approach to Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) & SEND Designated Units (DU), that sets out clear guidelines and expectations of provision so we can support effectively. To ensure we have a better understanding of how our SRPs and DUs are working, and with new SRPs and DUs due to open in the Borough this year, we have devised a Quality Assurance Document, for settings to Self-assess and audit their provision. This will be followed up with a visit to support the quality assurance process.

The documents will be shared with settings as soon as they have been approved as part of the new SEND strategy.

Caroline Ryder, SEND Education Advisorcryder@hillingdon.gov.uk


An Overview of LBH SEND Funding

We are delighted to offer an information session that will look at and explain the funding options available to settings/schools to support children and young people with SEND.

Delivered by the SAS Team, this session is open to Headteachers, Governors, SBMs & SENCOS.

On: Monday 16th October 2023

Time: 4.30- 5.30 pm

Via MS Teams

If you would like to attend, please sign up here.


Attendance Self Evaluation Form

With school attendance coming into sharper focus than ever before in this academic year, the Attendance Support team have developed a Self-evaluation Framework, linked below, which can be used by schools to assess their position on attendance.

Use of the framework is voluntary, but we would encourage all schools to consider how it could be used as a tool to assess what you are currently doing well and where your areas for development are regarding attendance.

If you choose to complete the framework, the findings can also form part of your school's termly meeting with your allocated Attendance Support Officer who can provide further support and guidance.



Letter from DfE to School Leaders on Mild Illness & School Attendance

The DfE have published a letter from the Chief Medical Officer and leading health professionals to schools about mild illness, attendance, and information for parents and carers.  The link to the letter is here.


Mayor's Free School Meal Funding

The first of three payments for the Mayor's Free School Meal (FSM) scheme for Key Stage 2 pupils has been made to schools in the August cash advance.

A school level allocation table has been shared with School Business Managers to show the value of your Free School Meal grant from the Greater London Authority (GLA). If you have any queries with regards to your payment please contact your School Finance Officer.

Schools can continue to use the following GLA link to access resources which includes templates, information for families and good practice examples. These can be used to assist with communication with families to encourage take up of the FSM for Key Stage 2 pupils.

If schools have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the team at education@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Autumn School Census

·       Disability Access Fund Indicator - For Early Years Only

We have been undertaking an audit of the reporting of the Disability Access Fund Indicator.  After reviewing the last three census returns, we cannot identify any pupils recorded with TRUE value.  To us and DfE this is indicating that no pupils are in receipt of this funding.  The DfE have specified this data as mandatory in every school census, the acceptable values are "True", "False, and "Blank".  Obviously if a school leaves this data field "Blank" then it will pass the DfE's validation checks.  This data field is not collected for Non-Maintained Special Schools and CTCs.

Could schools please ensure that correct data is being entered in this data field.  Please refer to the School Census 2023 to 2024: Business and Technical Specification v1.3.pdf section on page 35 for details.


·       Preparation Guide

We have written a Preparation Guide for the forthcoming census.  Please take the time to read through the document.  It is focused on preparation prior to running your census return, funding items, and key dates.

·       Guidance from DfE Available on Slack

The DfE have published the first of a set of school census guidance notes on SLACK.  Please review: Autumn-School-Census

All documents can be found on LEAP.

Marc Sherman,Business Performance & Intelligence Team



Historical Mapmaking

From September 2023, the Hillingdon Archives and Museums Service will offer a free KS2 session aimed at introducing children to local maps, and the basics of mapmaking and map reading.

In the session children will learn about the points of the compass, and the difference between man-made and natural features. They will learn how to recognise local landmarks, and how to tell the story of their area using historic maps. There will be a creative map-drawing activity to help cement what has been learnt.  The session links directly to History KS2 targets (local change and continuity; the history of significant local sites), also Geography KS2 targets (using compass directions and directional language; identifying landmarks; devising maps and key symbols).  The session will last a maximum of 60 minutes.

Location: Level 6, Central Library, Uxbridge

If you are interested, please contact the Archives and Museums Service to arrange a session on tel: 01895 250702 or email archives@hillingdon.gov.uk


 National Tutoring Programme Webinars

The DfE has announced that it is hosting additional National Tutoring Programme (NTP) sessions in the autumn to support schools to deliver tutoring in the new academic year. The sessions will cover the 2023 to 2024 NTP guidance and advise schools how to make the most of NTP funding to support pupils.

The webinars will include guests from NTP's delivery partners, Cognition Education and Education Development Trust, who will be able to answer questions about academic mentors and training for tutors.

Please register using one of the links below (both webinars will contain the same content):

·       13 September - 12:30 to 1:15pm

·       15 September - 12:30 to 1:15pm

If you would like to submit a question in advance, please email ntp.engagement@education.gov.uk


School Administrators & Business Managers Network Meeting (organised by the Hillingdon Governors Exec Committee) 

On: Thursday 19th October 2023 

Time:  13:00 - 15:30 

Venue:  Committee Room 5, Civic Centre, Uxbridge 

Please contact: joannapalmer44@hotmail.com  if you would like to attend. 


Remember Together: Nuclear Test Veterans - Live Digital Event for Secondary Schools

Join schools from across the UK on 3rd October at a special digital event to hear the incredible stories of Nuclear Test Veterans, the people involved in the UK's first nuclear tests in the 1950s and 60s. Aimed at secondary school classes, this free event brings an important aspect of post World War Two history into your classroom. 

Read more and sign up your class here: https://www.big-ideas.org/remember-together-nuclear-test-veterans



Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW


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