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25th September 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting. Thank you.



All DSLs should sign up to the DSL Development Day on 13th October 2023 here .

By 28/09/23

Schools can sign up to the Overview of LBH SEND Funding session on 16th October here

By 06/10/23

Schools should sign up to the Educational Visits Coordinator Training on 14th November 2023 here.

By 31/10/23

Governors can sign up to training sessions here


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership - Leap




Senior Leader Secondment Opportunity in a Local Infant School

Please share with your leadership teams.

Due to unforeseen circumstances a 4-form infant school is looking for an experienced senior leader who is willing and able to be seconded as a deputy head for the rest of the academic year. The ideal person would have secure knowledge of early years as this is a particular area for development. In addition, a secure understanding of SEND as this would be a responsibility from the Spring term. The role would most suit an assistant head looking for a move up to deputy headship, but we would be open to any suitable offers of assistance.

If you are interested and have the agreement of your headteacher, please contact the Chair of Governors Susan Watts at swatts@whitehallinf.org before 29th September.


Alternative Provision

The Access to Education team are hosting a Market Engagement session on 2nd October 2023 to communicate Hillingdon's future requirements for Alternative Provision in the borough and discuss innovative ways to deliver future services for our young people. 

The session will include information about the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) we plan to launch in 2024 which will act as Hillingdon's Alternative Provision Directory.

The Market Engagement session will be held at the Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge (Committee Room 4/4a) on 2nd October at 9:45am for a 10.00 am start to 12noon.

Providers interested in participating in the event should email rverma@hillingdon.gov.uk


Guidance for OAA Schools Consultation 2025-26

This is a reminder that all schools considering consultation of their admissions arrangements for 2025-26 need to do so for at least 6 weeks between 1st October 2023 and 31st January 2024. This applies to 'own admission authority' schools which are academies, voluntary aided schools, free schools, foundation schools, UTCs and studio schools. 

For community schools, the local authority is responsible for consultation. 

All 'own admission authorities' are required to consult at least every 7 years even if they do not plan any changes to their admissions policies. 

Attached here is an updated guide for consultation arrangements. Please ensure that if you are consulting on your arrangements that you send details of your consultation to the local authority (you can do this by contacting us on admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk). 

All admission authorities (including the local authority) MUST determine their admission arrangements annually by 28th February. This will include publishing your arrangements on your website and sending a copy to the local authority. This must be done even if you choose not to consult.

If you have any queries regarding the consultation process, please contact the School Placements and Admissions Team for further information.


Post 16 Prospectus

We are pleased to inform that the Post 16 Prospectus is now live on the local offer. 

Thank you to all schools that have got back to me so far and providing me with the opportunity to come and discuss the Post 16 prospectus with your students - we believe that the student voice is important and preparation for next year's version will include thoughts/feedback from them to improve the resource.

Please follow the below link to see this year's version - which includes more detail around; work experience, pathways explained and various salaries within jobs. 

Hillingdon Post 16 Prospectus 2023/24 - Hillingdon Council


Exciting Opportunity - Only 10 spaces available!

The Education Improvement team have been provided with an opportunity to partner with Nasen around a training programme which prepares young people for adulthood from the earliest years.  As part of this programme Nasen would like to work with, a college, mainstream schools with an early years class and mainstream secondary schools. 

It is felt that the programme (click here for flyer PfAEY Flyer (PDF) [323KB]) will help support schools developing key areas within the SEND Ofsted inspection framework, as below;

  • Children and young people's needs are identified accurately and assessed in a timely and effective way.
  • Children, young people, and their families participate in decision-making about their individual plans and support.
  • Children and young people receive the right help at the right time.
  • Children and young people are well prepared for their next steps and achieve strong outcomes.
  • Children and young people are valued, visible and included in their communities.

If you would like to be part of this unique opportunity, please could you register your interest to Mike Pearson mpearson@hillingdon.gov.uk by the 29th September.   Hillingdon Council would be only the second authority nationally to have benefited from this government funded whole school approach.



Prevent Duty Guidance

On 7th September, the Prevent duty guidance was updated to reflect several recommendations of the Independent Review of Prevent. This includes changes to the guidance for education settings. There are no new legal requirements or responsibilities for education settings and changes are not anticipated to come into effect until 31 December, at the earliest.

Read more about the key changes, how they affect different phases of education and what support is available.


HLP - Booking now - Teaching Phonics with Rigour and Fidelity

On: Thursday 28th September

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Online via zoom

This session will focus on the fundamentals of good practice in phonics, and how we can support all children to make good progress. Written with ECTs in mind, this session will also be useful for anyone new, or returning, to teaching phonics.

You can book here

Teaching Phonics with Rigour and Fidelity (PDF) [958KB]


Brunel University ITT Placement Request Starting this Term

Looking for a placement for Science (Physics and Chemistry) and English.  Is any secondary school willing to take on another training teacher from Brunel this term?  Brunel are still looking for a placement for Science and English.

If you feel you can help, please get in touch directly with Sharon Grey at Sharon.Grey@brunel.ac.uk


Team Teach Level 1 and Level 2 Courses

Team Teach Level 1             4th October 2023 at St Mary's Catholic School

Team Teach Level 1             17th January 2024 at St Mary's Catholic School

Team Teach Level 2             19th & 20th March 2024 at St Mary's Catholic School

To find out what is covered on each course please view the Level 1 and Level 2 agendas below:
Click here to view Team Teach Level 1 agenda.pdf

Click here to view Team Teach Level 2 agenda.pdf

To check availability and reserve your space, please email info@changing-behaviour.co.uk with the following details:

  • Name, job title and email address of person/s wishing to attend
  • Name and address of school
  • Contact name and email address for invoicing.



Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

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