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Private Fostering

Private Fostering

One minute Private Fostering Briefing (Word doc, 57 KB)-  This outlines what is private fostering, how to make a referral and what happens following the referral.

Key Messages

We suspect that Private Fostering is underreported. It would be helpful if schools could remember that in a Private Fostering arrangement the parents continue to hold Parental Responsibility for the child. If schools are having difficulties with getting consent (for example for school trips), schools should consider this may be because a child is in a Private Fostering arrangement and be curious. Other circumstances of Private Fostering could be children entering the UK for the first time but also that children born here are in Private Fostering arrangements.

For any children in a Private Fostering arrangement and the school is struggling to get parental consent, this should be raised with the Private Fostering Lead (see contact details in One Minute briefing) who will then be able to discuss this further with the parents and the Private Foster carer.

It would be helpful if schools have permission from parents to share information about the child with the private foster carers as they are responsible for day-to-day care. This would include things like school to parent apps that are used, to ensure that children and carers are not missing out on important information.  If schools understand the circumstances as to why the child does not live at home and what the arrangements for contact with the parents are, this can support the child to have their needs met. Offering emotional support to children, as this is not easily accessible, would be one way a school could give support.



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