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26th February 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below to cascade to your colleagues who can respond on behalf of your team, school or setting. Thank you.



Headteachers or Deputies should attend the Head Teachers' Termly meeting.  Agenda and MS Teams link to join will be shared shortly

On 12th March

All School Governors are invited to attend SEND Training on 21st March at 6 -7 pm online.   Please register to attend HERE

By 13th March

All School Governors are invited to the Governors Networking Event on 18th June 2024 at 6 - 7.30pm at the Civic Centre. Please click here to register

By 31st May

Schools can sign up here to attend the Hillingdon Virtual School Conference on 3rd July

By 14th June

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership




KS2 Statutory Assessment and Moderation

Thank you to our Hillingdon KS2 teachers who applied to be part of the LA Moderator recruitment process for this year. We received a high number of applications and, after three rounds of STA training and testing, now have our confirmed pool of 19 LA Moderators.

We have also delivered several KS2 Assessment & Moderation briefing sessions to schools already this academic year, training materials can be accessed on LEAP here: Training 2023/24.

Moderation visits will take place during June 2024. Selected schools will be notified on or after Friday 10th May 2024 (date authorised by the STA).

If you have any queries, please contact the Moderation team at schoolimprovementadmin@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Hillingdon SEND Local Offer Website

The Hillingdon SEND Local Offer website provides information, advice and guidance for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities, e.g.

And much more...

We would like to encourage every school and childcare setting in the borough to promote the Hillingdon Local Offer by including the link in the SEND section of your website:  SEND local offer - Hillingdon Council

We also welcome any feedback that you have about the website. This can be provided via the 'Have your say' section on the website.

If you have SEND coffee mornings/afternoons for parents/carers, we would also like to attend these, to discuss the Local Offer website and ensure parents are aware of services that may be useful for them. If you would like to invite a representative to your setting, please email fis@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Parent Carer Support Sessions

Please see this Leaflet for the new parent/carer drop in sessions run by Stronger Families Key Working and Brilliant Parents. These sessions are an informal general advice drop in and commence in March 2024.


School Business Managers Network Meeting (organised by the Governors Exec Committee)

On: Thursday 14th March 2024 

Time:  1 - 3 pm in Committee Room 5, Civic Centre, Uxbridge.


School Plates Newsletter

Please click here to view.



For Action:

Vulnerable Learners' Support Clinics

We are pleased to announce the re- launch of our Vulnerable Learners' Support Clinics (VLSC).

These virtual sessions will take place via MS Teams and open to all schools. The sessions will provide an opportunity for professionals working with our most at-risk young people to discuss concerns and receive advice.   

During the session you and the Vulnerable Learners Support Manager (VLSM) will explore useful strategies, interventions, opportunities for training and, if available, access to additional resources to support the pupil and school.

To register for a clinic please complete this online form. Once received, the Vulnerable Learners Support Manager will be in touch to arrange a meeting. We will aim to respond to a referral within 5 school days.  


Elective Home Education Information Session

The Elective Home Education (EHE) team will be hosting an Information Session on Thursday 14th March 2024 from 10 - 11.30 am via MS Teams. 

The session will provide schools with up to date information regarding legislation governing EHE, give an oversight of roles and responsibilities, provide a space to discuss expectations/challenges and answer any questions you may have related to EHE and the steps a school should take if a parent/s decide/s they would like to home educate. 

Register for a place now by completing this online form. Once you have registered, you will receive a Microsoft Teams link which will enable you to join the webinar. If you are aware of a colleague who would like to attend do share this invite.  

We look forward to seeing you. 


Primaries - Please share with your nursery parents:

School Readiness at Learn Hillingdon

So, what is school readiness? Well, we see it as a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school, cognitively, socially and emotionally. This allows teachers to focus on developing skills and stops young children playing 'catch up', so they can develop their love for school and parents can be confident that their child is coping well with the transition.

Sadly, the last statistical data shows that in Hillingdon 1 in 2 children are 'school ready' compared to Lewisham where about 3 in 4 children are school ready - fingertips.phe.org.uk 2014. And the pandemic will not have improved this situation.

So, we are offering all parents of young children, who are about to go to school for the first time a free course, details are:

All parents need to do is enrol here: Course List | ontrack: Learner Hub (tribal-ebs.com) and click on the blue ENROL button. We will then send them, via email, all the information they need to attend including the link to the class.


Free Mental Health Lead Training Opportunity

The DfE is offering a £1,200 grant to eligible schools in England to use for training to help develop a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Ensure your schools do not miss out - the deadline to apply for the grant & book onto a course is 31st March 2024.

Second grants are also available to settings if the Senior Mental Health Lead they previously trained left before embedding a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The Thrive Approach's Mental Health Lead Training at a glance:

  • DfE quality-assured, interactive training over 5 weeks
  • 30 mins pre-course session
  • 4 x live 3-hour webinars
  • Access to all materials via e-learning
  • Personalised guidance and support
  • £100 Thrive voucher upon successful completion
  • Free access to Thrive's Senior Leader Network

If your school would benefit from advice on the grant application process, you can schedule a zero-obligation call. They can talk through your questions and establish whether or not the course is a fit. Click here to Schedule a chat at a time that suits you.

Or click here to access funding details & book.


HLP - GCSE Art Teachers following Pearson Curriculum

Pearson are able offer all Hillingdon secondary schools a GCSE coursework marking training session delivered by their Lead Trainer for GCSE, who is a Deputy Principal Moderator.

On: Thursday 7th March 2024 at 4 - 5 .30 pm (online)

You will look at exemplars and then have an opportunity for Q&A, which can be more specific to your context.

Please email Michael Larkin at michael.larkin@hillingdonlearningpartnership.org.uk to register.


Team Teach Courses

Supporting Autistic Children in Early Years and Primary School Settings - 24th April 2024 Online  https://changing-behaviour.co.uk/autistic-children-apr-24.html

The Trauma Informed Classroom - 29th April 2024 Online  https://changing-behaviour.co.uk/the-trauma-informed-classroom-29-apr-2024.html

De Escalation Workshops - 7th May 2024 Online or 22nd May 2024 Online  https://changing-behaviour.co.uk/de-escalation-workshops-may-2024.html

Team Teach Level 1 - 23rd May 2024 at St Mary's Catholic School  Click here to view Team Teach Level 1 agenda.pdf

Challenging Conversations Training - COMING SOON! Summer 2024 dates to be confirmed

To check availability, reserve your space or simply find out more please email info@changing-behaviour.co.uk.


STEM with Wings

Join schools across the country for STEM with Wings, a series of digital events bringing STEM into your classroom. Each term, primary and secondary schools are invited to learn about a new theme from an expert in their field. Workshops will involve engaging activities, opportunities for Q&As and inspiring insights into STEM innovation. 

Click here to book your place at the next dates after Easter: https://www.big-ideas.org/stem-with-wings/




Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

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