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29th April 2024


Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below to cascade to your colleagues who can respond on behalf of your team, school or setting. 



Secondaries can sign up to the Post 16 information webinar here

By 3rd May

Schools can sign up here to attend the Hillingdon Virtual School Conference on 3rd July

By 14th June

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership




14-19 Steering Group Meeting

The next meeting is on Tuesday 11th June 1 - 3 pm at Haydon School. This does not need to be a Headteacher attending, instead can be a Key Stage Lead or Deputy Head. Discussions will be around NEET prevention, 14-16 vocational pathways, as well as the 6th form offer. Please contact Mike Pearson at mpearson@hillingdon.gov.uk if you would like to attend.


Yoga Wellness Classes

Please see details of new free yoga wellness classes for 15-21-year-olds in Hillingdon who are struggling with stress, anxiety and/or depression. These sessions are designed for beginners and will focus on relaxation, calming the mind, self-care, self and body-awareness and mindfulness.

Yoga for Wellness Classes - Discover Hillingdon



For Action:

Take Part In 'Safeguarding Children in Schools and Colleges - a Call for Evidence'

A 12 week 'Safeguarding Children in Schools and Colleges' call for evidence launched on 28th March 2024.  This invites staff in schools and colleagues, and other safeguarding professionals, to share their views and current good practice in their settings to inform the content of KCSIE and help shape future safeguarding children in schools and colleges policies.  They seek your views on:

  • The role of designated safeguarding leads
  • The recording, retention and sharing of child safeguarding information
  • Safer staff recruitment
  • Filtering and monitoring systems
  • Supporting children following reports of sexual violence and harassment
  • Protecting children in boarding schools and residential special schools
  • Quality assuring safeguarding
  • Children bringing their own devices to schools
  • Artificial intelligence

To share your views please access here: Safeguarding children in schools and colleges - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Fiscal Year 2024/2025 FFT Subscriptions

As it is a new financial year it is time for us all to agree which schools want to subscribe to FFT and the costs.  The new costs are:

  • Infant £130
  • Primary £255
  • Secondary £895
  • Specials no cost

We are doing our best to keep costs to the schools as low as possible. 

We would like all schools to contact us if they do not wish to subscribe to FFT this year.  The deadline for this submission is 7th May 2024.  Those schools that do not respond by that date will be setup as subscribing to FFT and invoiced. Could we please ask those schools that have already decided not to subscribe to FFT to also respond, we want to make sure schools are not invoiced incorrectly.

Please send your confirmation emails to Rob Clark (RClark2@Hillingdon.Gov.UK) and Marc Sherman (msherman@hillingdon.gov.uk) asap.

We look forward to receiving your confirmations.

Marc Sherman,Business Intelligence Team 


Please share with your EY parents / carers

School Readiness at Learn Hillingdon

So, what is school readiness? Well, we see it as a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school, cognitively, socially and emotionally. This allows teachers to focus on developing skills and stops young children playing 'catch up', so they can develop their love for school and parents can be confident that their child is coping well with the transition.

Sadly, the last statistical data shows that in Hillingdon 1 in 2 children are 'school ready' compared to Lewisham where about 3 in 4 children are school ready - fingertips.phe.org.uk 2014. And the pandemic will not have improved this situation. So, we are offering all parents of young children, who are about to go to school for the first time a free online course: School Readiness at 7pm to 9pm on 30th April - 21st May - Tuesday evenings for 4 weeks.

Course Information: Learn Hillingdon - School Readiness CHO1055 - Google Docs

Parents can enrol here: Course List | ontrack: Learner Hub (tribal-ebs.com) just click on the blue ENROL button. Or if you can't make this particular course, then you could chose the course that is starting in early June or late June. Once enrolled, we will then send the parent, via email, all the information they need to attend including the link to the online class.


Celebrate Empathy Day with Hillingdon Libraries

Hillingdon Libraries will be hosting author Cath Howe for two virtual sessions on 5th June. Cath is known for her warm optimistic books that open discussions around empathy, friendship and resilience.

Please see details on how to book here:  Empathy Day Headteachers Briefing (PDF) [234KB]


The National Educational Visits Conference 2024: 'Be Inspired'

Thursday 13 June 2024, 9.30am - 4.30pm at The British Library Knowledge Centre

A learning and development day for EVCs, Headteachers and visit leaders. Explore key issues in educational visits with a great line-up of speakers and share good practice with colleagues from across the country. Speakers include Educational Visits Advisers, legal experts, specialists in health and safety, providers and schools. Be inspired by real-life examples and take away new strategies to implement in your educational visits programme.

Find out more and book your place at www.evolveadvice.co.uk/conference

EVC Conference 2024 Flyer (PDF) [4MB]




Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW


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