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Part-time Timetable

Guidance for Schools, Academies and other Education Settings

Hillingdon recognises that use of a part-time timetable is an exceptional measure in any school. This guidance is intended to protect both pupil and school, should a part-time timetable be required.   

When might a part-time timetable be used? 

Part of an in-school support package: School, parent/carer, young person (when necessary) and other professionals agree a short-term (no longer than 6 weeks) part-time timetable would support a pupil who has become disaffected, to regain success. This would be a closely monitored intervention to address and manage the impact of significantly challenging behaviour or emotional or social needs.   

Medical reasons: A pupil has a serious medical issue where recovery is the priority outcome. These arrangements would be part of a "medical plan" agreed between the school and health professionals. This may include physical or mental health conditions. Please see Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs before offering a reduced timetable for this reason. 

Reintegration: As part of a planned reintegration into school following an extended period out of school following exclusion, non-attendance, school refusal etc (no longer than 6 weeks). Hillingdon's Attendance Support team should be consulted on all children with irregular attendance or those who have been absent without the school's permission for a continuous period of 10 days or more.  


In circumstances where the school consider it may be necessary to establish a part-time timetable for a pupil, the school should: 

  • Ensure that other options have been exhausted before implementing a part-time timetable (i.e., consulted with SEND, tailored to young person's needs etc). 
  • Notify and arrange a meeting with the Attendance Support Officer or with their Virtual School Officer if the pupil is a Looked After Child, to ensure there is an appropriate reason for implementing the part-time timetable (virtually or face to face). 
  • Discuss the proposals of the part-time timetable with the parent/carer. If the pupil is a Looked After Child, the discussion should also include their social worker and Virtual School Officer. This will also include a representative from the LA where the pupil has an Education Health and Care Plan and may well include professionals who form part of the team around the family/Child. 
  • Establish a plan (Pastoral Support Plan, Individual Learning Plan, Personal Education Plan etc) for the part-time timetable which details:  
  • The proposed plan to get back to full-time (in the case of categories 2.1 and 2.2 this should be no longer than six weeks) 
  • Details of the review schedule  
  • The supportive interventions that will accompany this reduction in time at school 
  • Outcome and exit strategies: how will all parties know this is successful? 
  • The named person responsible for the plan within the school  
  • The consideration of safeguarding measures for the duration. The school must carry out a risk assessment before implementation and this should be recorded 
  • Consideration should be given to whether an alternative provision should be considered to meet the need. 
  • Send the school's allocated Attendance Support Officer a copy of the agreed plan (set out in Appendix 1) and complete a Part-Time Timetable form via LEAP
  • The plan and the teaching hours must be signed by someone who holds Parental Responsibility; without parental agreement the strategy of a part-time timetable cannot be implemented.  

Monitoring and Reviewing 

The school must: 

  • Report the part-time timetable as soon as it becomes operational by sending a signed copy of the teaching hours within the morning and afternoon session (see Appendix 1) and the plan upon which it was agreed.  
  • Complete an online Part-Time Timetable form via LEAP.  
  • Send a copy of subsequent reviews and increases of time, up to a maximum of 6 weeks. Attendance Support Officers will discuss part-time arrangements during their termly meetings with schools.  
  • Ensure arrangements are in place for work to be completed at home, returned to school for marking to moderate the risk of academic decline 
  • Record the child's attendance accurately on the attendance register: 
  • Monitor the overall use of this strategy within the school and report this to governors termly. 
  • Ensure effective communication with parents/carer about progress towards full-time reintegration to school. If the pupil is known to Social Care, their social worker and Virtual School Officer (as appropriate) should also be included in communication.  

You can read our full guidance on part-time timetables here:  Part time timetable guidance 24 - 25 (PDF, 245 KB)

Part-Time Timetable Proforma (PDF, 166 KB)

Complete an online Part-Time Timetable notification form here.

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