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Previously Looked After Children

Previously Looked After Children 

The role of Virtual School Heads and Designated Teachers in schools has extended to include promoting the educational achievement of Previously Looked After Children (PLAC), as well as Looked After Children.  

Definition: the term refers to a child who has left care via one of the following routes: 

-          An Adoption Order: this is the legal order which gives adoptive parents full, permanent parental rights for their children.  

-          A Special Guardianship Order: introduced in 2005 as a way of providing children with a permanent family without severing legal ties with their birth families. Special guardians may be family members, family friends, or foster carers. The child's special guardian does have parental responsibility, however. 

-          A Child Arrangements Order: a court order regulating arrangements relating to who a child lives with or has contact with. The individual/s named on the order has parental responsibility.  

The guidance acknowledges that previously Looked After Children are highly likely to have had similar experiences to Looked After Children, such as having missed extended periods of school, disrupted learning and/or special educational needs. Emotional or trauma related experiences, as well as gaps in learning may pose significant barriers to their progress.  


The role of the Designated Teacher 

Under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, every school governing body must designate a member of staff to have responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of "previously looked after" children. The main difference is that Previously Looked After Children are not required to have a Personal Education Plan (PEP).  



-          If a child was previously looked after in England prior to being permanently placed, they have the right to priority in school admission.  

-          Children who have been adopted from care are entitled to a free early education and will qualify for the Early Years Pupil Premium.  

-          Schools are also entitled to receive the Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) for Previously Looked After Children, at a rate of £2,570 per-pupil, for the financial year 2024 - 2025. The funding goes directly to schools, based on census data, to support educational progress and this can include training in key areas such as supporting children with difficulties related to attachment, trauma and emotional wellbeing.  

The support Hillingdon Virtual School offers Previously Looked After Children is as follows:

-          Impartial advice and information to key professionals, with consent from the child's carer or adoptive parent

-          Guidance on us of PP+ for previously looked after children and PP for children receiving Free School Meals

-          Invitations to CPD training for relevant professionals on trauma and attachment

-          Signposting to relevant services

-          Advice on further education and training

-          Impartial advice to carers with Special Guardianship Orders or Child Arrangements Orders or, Adopted Parents regarding the education of their child

However, Hillingdon Virtual School do not usually provide for Previously Looked After Children:

-          Case work

-          Equipment

-          Educational visits

-          Payment for uniform, trips, exam entry fees etc.

-          Regular meetings

For queries on PLAC support, please contact the Virtual School at virtualschoolcwsw@hillingdon.gov.uk

Further statutory guidance on promoting the education of previously looked after children can be found here

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