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Axis is a MOPAC funded project which is aimed at identifying and keeping young people safe from criminal exploitation using smart, innovative analytics to identify, intervene, prevent and disrupt with targeted resources.
With close relationships and strong joint partnership working with the likes of Safer Neighbourhood teams, Safer Schools Officers, Social care, Youth Offending Services, Health and the education services, Axis is able to triangulate and gather information to help build a rich and powerful picture on the young people that are at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation, Serious Youth Violence, Possession with Intent and Missing episodes. Axis are then able to allocate youth workers to those in need of early intervention work and diversion. Axis also identifies and informs other professionals and the community with current trends and themes through a monthly bulletin.

Axis does not have a referral form process but we do ask that any information relating to a young person at risk to the four risk categories mentioned above be sent to axis@hillingdon.gov.uk.

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