LB Hillingdon Advice and Guidance
The London Borough of Hillingdon will lead the provision of statutory school governance duties to all Maintained schools from April 2019.
The following statutory activities will be provided to maintained schools at no charge:
- Advice and guidance to schools requiring a legal change to their formal constitution (Instrument of Government).
- Procedures, advice and guidance to community and voluntary controlled schools on parent governor elections.
- Procedures, advice and guidance to community and voluntary controlled schools on staff governor elections.
- Recruitment and nomination of LA governors.
- Advice and guidance on the removal of LA governors.
- Provision of information to new governors.
Maintained Schools must:
- Contact the LA to trigger statutory support as described above.
- Update the LA on all changes in Governing Body membership and contact details on a termly basis, along with confirmation if no changes have taken place.
- Share the minutes of each Full Governing Body meeting with the Local Authority.
Additional Training and Development for Maintained School Governing Bodies
School leaders are encouraged to ensure that all governors have access to quality training to support the effectiveness of governance practice in schools. This aspect of governance improvement and development is not provided within the LA statutory duty. Schools and Governing Bodies are therefore free to choose any commercial national or local provider to support the development of their Governing Body.
LB Hillingdon School Governance Guidance and Best Practice for Maintained Schools Guide
School Governance Guidance and Best Practice for Maintained Schools (PDF, 255 KB)
LB Hillingdon Maintained School Governance Contact Details
Please feel free to contact the Council for any queries regarding governance duties, support or development at