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Resources for the new RSE Curriculum

Earlier this year, we set up a local working group to support schools to manage the introduction of the new RSE curriculum. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that as a result of that work, resources were produced to help with developing your policies and plans for consultation and these are now available to you. We would urge you to access these, to ensure that there is a consistent approach across the borough. If your school does not already have access please contact education@hillingdon.gov.uk.

We are mindful that the changes to the teaching of RSE has caused some concerns and challenge to be voiced by parents and other community groups and potential tensions could arise as a result.

Please find below a short briefing note on how to manage such concerns and some local contact details to support you should the need arise and do not hesitate to contact us with regards to any issues you may experience.

Managing Community Concerns (PDF, 44 KB) (opens new window)

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