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Governors for Schools - New webinar series: #DiverseGovernance

Governors for Schools is collaborating with Diverse Educators to bring you a series of webinars on how to diversify your board. The webinars will also consider why it should be a main priority for all schools and education settings. 

The #DiverseGovernance webcast series is made up of 6 free webinars, where you can join the conversation about why we should and how we can diversify our governing and trust boards.

You can register for each of the following webinars on the Eventbrite page.

#DiverseGovernance Webcast 1: Thursday 19th November, 4-5pm
Theme - The Equality's Act and Your School - an introduction to the protected characteristics.
Speakers: Linda Lee Unternahrer, Stephen Edmond, and Jeannie Hume

#DiverseGovernance Webcast 2: Thursday 3rd December, 4-5pm
Theme - How to make your governing board inclusive - tips for recruitment.
Speakers - Adrian McLean, Raj Unsworth, Ninna Makrinov, and Emma Gregory

#DiverseGovernance Webcast 3: Thursday 14th January, 4-5pm
Theme - How to make your governing board inclusive - inclusive behaviours.
Speakers - Maureen Chiana, Prince Caesar, and Katie Caswell

#DiverseGovernance Webcast 4: Thursday 4th February, 4-5pm
Theme - What is the governing body's strategic role in delivering an inclusive education?
Speakers - Hannah Stolton, Dominic Judge, and Siraj Mayet
#DiverseGovernance Webcast 5: Thursday 25th February, 4-5pm (for non-teachers)
Theme - Why to join a governing body, how to get on a board, what does the role include?
Speakers - Karris Graham-Moore and Jordan Holder
#DiverseGovernance Webcast 6: Saturday 27th February, 10-11am (for teachers)
Theme - Why to join a governing body, how to get on a board, what does the role include?
Speakers - Sarah Amissah, Karen Giles, Sanum Khan, Connor Acton, and Sandeep Kaur

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