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Personalised Timetables

What is it?

A part-time timetable drawn up for a pupil as a strategy to work towards their full reintegration back into school.

Why would we use it?

In very exceptional and specific circumstances it may be necessary to develop a temporary part-time or personalised timetable to meet a pupil's individual needs. For example where a medical condition prevents a pupil from attending full-time education and a part-time timetable is considered as part of a re-integration package. A part-time timetable must not be treated as a long-term solution. Any pastoral support programme or other agreement must have a time limit by which point the pupil is expected to attend full-time or be provided with alternative provision 

In most cases, consideration of a personalised timetable will be for one or two reasons:

a) As part of a reintegration approach for pupils who have not attended school for a period of

time due to illness, disability, mental health issues, family circumstances, or following an alternative provision placement or school refusal.

b) As a method for managing pupils that are exhibiting challenging behaviour and are at risk of exclusion.

How does it work?

Personalised timetables need careful consideration prior to implementation and must have the support and agreement of the parent/carer. Only the Headteacher (or, in the absence of the Headteacher, the designated acting Headteacher or teacher in charge) can place a pupil on a reduced timetable. Schools have a statutory duty to provide full time education for all pupils. In exceptional circumstances, schools may reduce the amount of time in any one day that a pupil spends in school.

In order to ensure that all Hillingdon children on reduced timetable are fully supported, schools must notify the LA about any pupil on reduced timetable via their monthly return to the Participation Team.

Benefits of a Part Time Timetable

A part time timetable should be implemented to support reintegration into full time education. A formal agreed plan should be developed from the outset, including the children/young people's parents/carers with a clear 'reintegration' focus. There should be an agreed schedule for increasing participation or engagement in school and ways with which this can be developed within the reintegration process.

The part time timetable is not a long term solution and should be reviewed at regular, set intervals for all those involved. The aim of the timetable is that a pupil's participation should increase. If they are unable to increase then other interventions should be explored so that their needs are met.

Alternative options

If a personalised timetable does not work, schools should seek further support set out in the Prevent Exclusions Guidance, page 10 which includes the various alternative options that should be considered by the school, before exclusion. If all options have been exhausted, the school should seek support from the local authority by emailing: exclusionsupport@Hillingdon.gov.uk.






Published by Hillingdon Council - November 2020

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