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Looked After Children Suspensions


Suspensions can only be issued by a Headteacher. Headteachers must, without delay, provide reasons for the exclusions and length of the exclusion. Schools must inform the Virtual School Head and Social worker of their decision to suspend a child.

A letter should be sent to the foster carer / keyworker and copies sent to the Social Worker and Virtual School Officer (VSO).

Suspensions can be anything from half a day to 45 days in any one school year. 'Informal' or 'unofficial' suspensions, such as sending pupils home 'to cool off', are unlawful, regardless of whether they occur with the agreement of parents or carers. Any suspension of a pupil, even for short periods of time, must be formally recorded. Work must be sent home by the school on the first day of the suspension by email or handed to the child. The work provided by school must cover the duration of the suspensions (up to 5 days). This work needs to be returned and marked by school.

Schools need to agree a date for re-integration, Carers/Social Workers and VSOs should be notified of this date. School should not extend a suspension to facilitate a reintegration meeting. If the young person is excluded for 6 days or longer, the school will need to provide educational provision from day 6 of the exclusion eg. at a Pupil Referral Unit or alternative education provision. A child who is suspended must remain at home during school hours (i.e. 9am- 3:30pm). Within this time the carer should try to complete the set work with the young person.

It may also be useful to consider:

·        Whether the child is aware of the suspension and reasons behind this.

·        Consider if the child will be missing an exam/national curriculum test. If so, can the school make arrangements for the child to sit the exam. If not, School Governors can be notified and a request made to overturn the exclusion.

·        Collect a statement from the child, if necessary.

·        Consider an appeal if it appears that the exclusion is unlawful.

The most recent guidance on Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions can be found here

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