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Looked After Children Permanent Exclusions

Permanent Exclusions 

Headteachers should, as far as possible, avoid permanently excluding any Looked After Child. 

  • Schools will need to clarify reasons surrounding the exclusion. 
  • School will need to inform the local authority. 
  • The social worker needs to consider the impact of the exclusion upon the care placement. Does additional support need to be considered to support the placement?

In order to minimise disruption to the education of a Looked After Child, statutory guidance states that the local authority should work with the school to arrange suitable full-time education for the pupil from the first day of the exclusion, where this is not possible alternative provisions should be in place by day 6 of the exclusion. 

It may be useful to:

  • Consider the right to appeal 
  • Consider contacting the Exclusions Officer in the LA to find out what alternative provisions/options may exist locally 
  • Consider a managed move to another school 

A decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken: 

  • In response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches, of the school's behaviour policy 
  • Where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school 

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