Hayley Murphy
Senior Admissions and Access Officer
I have been with the London Borough of Hillingdon since 2008 and have served as a Senior Admissions and Access Officer in the School Placement and Admissions Team since 2020. Initially, I joined the team in 2015, managing secondary school allocations. My deep expertise in school admissions has enabled me to optimise processes and advocate for fair and transparent access to education. I am deeply committed to enhancing educational opportunities for all children, with a special focus on supporting families facing significant challenges and securing placements for children who are hard to place.
In my role as Senior Admissions and Access Officer, I support the Team Manager in ensuring that school placement and admissions policies and procedures are up-to-date and applied consistently across the team. I offer guidance to schools on statutory admissions issues and take a leading role in managing complex cases. I am responsible for presenting admissions appeals for community schools and overseeing the preparation and distribution of consultation papers related to the local authority's admission arrangements and procedures. I also review the admission arrangements of Academies, Foundation, and Voluntary Aided Schools to ensure compliance with the School Admissions Code 2021. Additionally, I manage access to accurate pupil data and statistical information from the admissions database, monitor and evaluate schools' intake numbers to assess their impact on school organisation, and support the place planning team in aligning with the Council's sufficiency strategy.
I have developed strong relationships with schools, other councils, and internal staff. Collaborative work is essential to our service, enabling continuous improvement in the quality of education we provide to children and families. This collaboration also helps us enhance our interactions and communication with residents, which has always been a key motivation for me.
Just like we build strong foundations for our homes in order for them to last forever, I believe the same approach should be followed for building a strong learning foundation for children to ensure a future where they can adapt and thrive.
Contact Details
Email: hmurphy@hillingdon.gov.uk