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Early Career Frameworks

Please see the new webinars schools are welcome to join to find out more about the Early Career Frameworks and the new DfE Online Service Portal guidance for registering your choices:

NEW Guidance on the DfE's Online Service ('Portal')

In the light of  the launch of the DfE's new online service, we are pleased to share guidance on the process schools are being asked to follow.  You can find screengrabs of the relevant sections of the website, together with explanations of expectations of schools, DfE guidance slides on the ECF portal.

NEW 4pm-5pm, 20 May & 17 June: DfE Early Career Framework Explainer Webinars for Schools

The DfE is running webinars for schools interested in finding out more about the upcoming changes to statutory induction.  These sessions can be booked via eventbrite here


  • The main purpose of the portal is for the DfE to check the precise numbers of ECTs in each school in order to manage funding which is paid by the Government to the Lead Providers (i.e. UCL)  for the full programme
  • It is designed as a  double-check against the registration figures which will be submitted to the DfE by the Lead Provider themselves
  • For the time being, all schools simply have to register their general intention over which level of programme they intend to go for (if they choose either the Full Induction Programme or the Core Induction Programme - schools running their own programme do not need to register)  
  • All schools will receive an email which goes to the Headteacher asking him/her to give details of the school's induction tutor.  These are being sent out in batches over a three week period. Schools should not be concerned if they have not yet received them but might want to flag with Teach West London if they have not heard by the week before half term (e.g. say 24th May) .
  • The induction tutor then receives an email from the DfE  with a link to log in
  • The Induction tutor indicates whether the school is choosing the FIP (e.g. a 'funded training provider')
  • If so, they are directed to contact the appropriate Teaching School Hub by email
  • Teach West London will collect the info from the e-mails as they come in and process these
  • All schools do need to register on the portal if they choose either the Full Induction Programme or the Core Induction Programme - please aim to complete this by half term
  • Later in the term, induction tutors will be asked to give further details of their actual ECTs

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