Managing community concerns considerations for Schools - related to introduction of the new RSE curriculum
Many schools have raised concern that there may be some resistance and challenge to the introduction of the new RSE curriculum as has occurred elsewhere in the country.
This guide aims to support schools to consider the actions they might take and how to access appropriate support from the Police and Local Authority.
In response to any concerns or challenges that might be made by parents and other members of the public the best approach would be to try and open dialogue with those concerned and for the school to manage the situation without the need for Police or Local Authority intervention.
Therefore it is suggested that the following steps should be considered:
Invite into the school for dialogue
Failure to engage, note incident and report to Safer Schools Officer (for Primary Schools you can *contact the SSO Sergeant for support or your local neighbourhood team) and contact Local Authority contacts.
Any threats made/intimated (with nobody in immediate danger) then to call 101.
Any threats made/intimated or person is being hurt (the danger is immediate) then to call 999.
Relevant Contacts:
Safer Schools Sergeant: Allyson Keith
Tel: 07766 497676
Local Authority
School Improvement Service
Tel: 01895 556084
Stronger Communities Manager: Fiona Gibbs
Tel: 07946 714637