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7th June 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you had a lovely half term break. Please see our weekly   Education Executive Summary [75KB]  round-up of schools' guidance update.



Send out parent survey on School Lunchboxes to parents to complete: School Lunchbox Survey

Responses due by 18th June

Climate Change Consultation

Sunday 20th June

Open mornings / evenings promotion in the LA school admissions brochure - confirm that your date has been agreed and that parents will be able to visit your school

No later than Friday 18th June

NRPF Free School Meals DfE claim form deadline

Wednesday 30th June, 5pm

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Fortnightly for Early Years Settings (changed from weekly)

Hillingdon Music Hub youth consultation:




NRPF Free School Meals DfE claim form deadline

Schools are now able to claim for additional pupil premium funding for pupils eligible for free school meals under the temporary extension granted to some children of groups who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF) for the period 1 April 2020 and 1 October 2020. You can access the claim form at: https://form.education.gov.uk/service/nrpf. The deadline to submit your claim is 17:00 on 30 June 2021. For guidance on how to complete the claim form click here. Schools can read more guidance on school meals arrangements during the Covid outbreak here.

Open mornings / evenings promotion in the LA school admissions brochure

The Admissions Team is currently working on our School Admissions Brochure for September 2022. Within the brochure we dedicate a page to publish schools open morning/evenings. To help promote your school, please confirm if your school will be opening these sessions up to public again or whether you will be continuing with virtual tours or appointments. This information is required by 18th June in order to meet publishing deadlines.

We are aware that the programme of open evening for secondary transfer was provided within the HASH booklet May 2021, however, please confirm that your date has been agreed and that parents will be able to visit your school. Please confirm your plans no later than Friday 18th June by emailing admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk

Climate Change Consultation

Teachers, school staff and parents still have time take part in the council's public consultation on its Climate Change Action Plan.

We need as many views as possible from across the borough. Your feedback will help the council shape the action plan and influence future low carbon investments.

You can find the consultation at Climate change consultation - Hillingdon Council and the deadline for responses is Sunday 20 June.

An Introduction to Mental Health - Primary settings

Changing Behaviour UK are delivering a 2 hour Webinar on Mental Health in Primary settings on:

Date:  17 June 2021

Time:  09:30 - 11:30

Venue:  Webinar via MS Teams

Cost - Free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  £65 to non SLA schools.

This course focuses on the difficult topic of mental health in schools and how schools can adopt a whole school approach helping our children with mental health difficulties and keeping everyone (including staff) healthy.

Book via Learning Zone: An Introduction to Mental Health - Primary Settings: An Introduction to Mental Health - Primary Settings (learningpool.com)

If you have any queries or need assistance to book, please email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk

School Packed Lunches Survey for Parents & Carers - Please share

A new school menus steering group has been set up between colleagues in Public Health, EIP Team, the NHS and school leaders, with the aim to improve healthy eating for children across Hillingdon. The group met for the first time recently and they are keen to find out more about parents' views on healthy eating when children have packed lunches and have, therefore, devised a survey for parents and carers to complete. Please can you share this with your school community, as this will help the steering group better understand how to support parents when preparing packed lunches, to ensure they are healthy and nutritious lunches.

The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 18th June.

Parents & carers can access the survey via the following link: School Lunchbox Survey

Getting Ready for Work Event

The annual Getting Ready for Work event showcases opportunities for those students who have special educational needs who are considering their next steps in preparing for adulthood, particularly those considering training and employment. The event is aimed at young people, families and professionals including SENCOs and Career Leads.

This event is usually face to face, however this year providers are sharing information online at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/ready-for-work

Please share this   fyler [1008KB]  with young people with SEND, their parents and support networks.

New London Curriculum resources for Primary and Secondary schools

  • The cross-curricular 'Virtually Explore London' teachers' guide and webinars helps primary schools inspire children and keep young Londoners connected to their incredible city.
  • Teachers can discover how to easily adapt our London Curriculum KS2 units when school trips aren't yet possible, by offering online alternatives to primary school trips.
  • Download this new supplementary guide: https://www.london.gov.uk/curriculum/KS2
  • We have published refreshed London Curriculum key stage 3 history resources, after our partnership with The Black Curriculum to review them and ensure that they reflect and celebrate London's rich diversity.
  • The aim is to give teachers the knowledge, tools and confidence to teach Black History not just during Black History Month, but throughout the year. 
  • Please see: www.london.gov.uk/inclusive-education.

Bereavement Support Programme

This month the London Mayor opened the London Blossom Garden at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as a living memorial to those Londoners who died during the pandemic. The occasion also marked the launch of a new Bereavement Support Programme funded by the Mayor. For more information on the support available from Thrive LDN, visit: www.thriveldn.co.uk/bereavement.

London Mayor's Schools Newsletter

Schools are encouraged to sign up to the twice-termly Newsletter. The latest issue can be seen here. Please sign up for the Newsletter here.

Free menstrual products for state funded schools

A DfE funded 'red box project' scheme to provide free menstrual products is being delivered by the PHS Group. Schools and colleges need to sign up to place orders and receive their menstrual products. Please visit: redboxproject.org


Dan Kennedy

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