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Early Career Teachers - Appropriate Body LBH Service 2021/22

Summary of Appropriate Body offer

All schools are required to access the services of an Appropriate Body (AB) for their Early Career Teachers (ECT) Induction which, this year, sees many changes. The AB will provide independent quality assurance of statutory induction ensuring that adequate support is provided for ECTs and that assessments are fair and consistent.

If you intend to employ ECTs within your school and you wish to use London Borough of Hillingdon as your Appropriate Body, please indicate how many ECTs you expect to employ from September 2021 - July 2022 by 25th June 2021.

All schools using this service will be invoiced following planned assessment timelines, for each ECT. We are aware that at this stage in the school year this may only be an indicative number; schools will only be charged for the ECT's that they register.

The way that induction is delivered may take different forms depending on the school's choices and circumstances. From September 2021, schools will be expected to opt for one of the following 3 approaches to delivery of an Early Careers Framework (ECF) based induction:

  • Full induction programme - a funded provider led programme offering high quality training for ECTs and their mentors alongside professional development materials.
  • Core induction programme- schools can draw on the content of the high quality professional development materials accredited by the DfE to deliver their own ECT and mentor support.
  • School-based programme - schools can design and deliver their own induction programme, based on the ECF.

Under the new framework, Appropriate Bodies will be expected to check that all ECTs have access to an induction programme based on the ECF. This check is referred to as 'fidelity' checking.

With the changes to the Statutory guidance from September onwards, there are now 3 options that schools can choose from for the development of their ECTs. The pricing structure below provides clear instructions on the 3 levels and their respective charges.

Option 1

£80 per ECT, per term, or part of

Full Early Career Teacher programme using externally approved ECF training provider

Option 2

£80 per ECT, per term, or part of PLUS £400 per school programme fidelity check

Core Early Career Teacher programme using DfE approved training materials


Option 3

£80 per ECT, per term, or part of PLUS £1000 per school programme fidelity check

School developed Early Career Teacher programme


Please note:there are no additional fees charged for advice, support or guidance.

ECT Induction Appropriate Body Service

This service is available to all schools including academies, free schools, FE institutions and independent schools.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The London Borough of Hillingdon will manage monitoring and evaluation of the ECT Appropriate Body Service in line with the Statutory Guidance provided by the DfE and any reporting requirements as determined by the Teaching Regulation Agency.

Schools wishing to use our Appropriate Body service should begin planning their ECF based induction programme as soon as possible to submit their plans to us prior to the start of induction. Please aim to contact us by 25th June 2021 however we are able to work with schools after this date.

If you would like further information or guidance please email NQTManager@hillingdon.gov.uk

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