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12th July 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly Education Executive Summary round-up of schools' guidance update.



Submit primary data - EYFSP, Phonics and Key Stage 1 & 2 predicted outcomes

Secondary data

17th July

16th August

Complete the registration form to reserve your space at the Stronger Together Education Conference on 15th September 2021

23rd July

Ongoing reminders:

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

(paused on 16th July until Autumn term)

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Fortnightly for Early Years Settings


Roll forward of data in FFT Aspire

FFT have asked us to forward on the following information to subscriber schools:

FFT Aspire - Rolling Year Groups Forward

Dear Colleague,

As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to let you know about our plans for collecting and rolling forward data in preparation for the new academic year.

As you will know, all schools roll forward their pupil data at the end of each academic year as pupils move up a year. However, the roll forward data can vary from one school to the next.

This variation in timing can make managing this process difficult, particularly when collecting data directly from school MIS systems as FFT Aspire currently does through Aspire Data Exchange

As a result, we intend to take the following simple approach:

  1. We'll turn off Aspire Data Exchange (i.e. stop collecting data from school MIS systems) at 11:59pm on Friday 16 July.
  2. We'll turn Aspire Data Exchange back on (i.e. re-commence the collection of data from school MIS systems) and roll forward all year groups on Tuesday 31 August.

Find out more about Aspire Data Exchange >

What schools need to do

  • Prior to 16 July, make sure that your pupil data in Aspire is up to date.
  • If possible, avoid rolling forward your school MIS until after 16 July.
  • Once we have rolled forward your data on 31 August, log in to Aspire to check that your pupils are in the correct year groups.
  • If you're using FFT estimates or Aspire Pupil Tracking then you can run a manual update of your pupils AFTER 31 August.
  • If you're using Attendance Tracker then your pupil data will be automatically updated.

If you need any further help or have any questions regarding the roll forward of data then please do contact the FFT Support team.

Summer Year 6 to Year 7 Summer Transition Programmes - Potential Collaborative Working

Dear Headteachers and Heads of Year 7,

I work for the London Borough of Hillingdon, Adolescent Development Services', Transition Support Programmes. Part of my role, is managing a programme called SWITCH which has been running for about 9 years and provides emotional and practical programme of support in primary school to groups of young people in Year 6 who are likely to struggle with the transition into secondary school. This takes the form of discussions, role plays, games and practical advice on all things related to the transition to secondary school. We are currently delivering the programme to a total of 50 young people who are in education at Hillside Junior (Northwood), Belmore Primary (Hayes), Minet Junior (Hayes), Hillingdon Primary and Colham Manor (Hillingdon) and the majority of our young people are going to Hillingdon secondary schools in September.

I wrote to you all about this in April and again wanted to find out what transition activities you are providing for your new Year 7s during this term over the summer holidays and to find out which schools may potentially be open to collaborative working with us at Adolescent Development Services.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on csomaskandan@hillingdon.gov.uk or via my mobile on 07958 121123.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With thanks,

Chamila Somaskandan

LCRC Schools Resources

Please see the latest LCRC School Resources Pack V23  here [1MB] , which includes the latest guidance for schools managing COVID cases.


Dan Kennedy

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