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ECT start up DfE Guidance

Before September 2021, induction tutors/coordinators should:

  • read the updated statutory guidance on inductions for early career teachers
  • choose a delivery approach in order to meet the new requirements. The easiest way to sign up to a provider-led programme is to contact your local teaching school hub or your appropriate body - schools can also contact lead providers, or other known delivery partners, directly - they will talk you through how to access this support for your early career teachers and mentors
  • set up their programme through DfE's online service if they want to use an approved funded provider, or deliver the accredited materials themselves.  We would encourage schools on these routes to access the digital service and nominate an induction tutor before the end of the summer term, or use the service to confirm that you are not expecting any ECTs to start in September

To find out more about the Early Career Framework reforms, please visit GOV.UK.

For help using the new service please contact continuing-professional-development@digital.education.gov.uk

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