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RSE Resources

www.safe4me.co.uk  - wide selection of resources covering everything from County Lines, Drugs  FGM, to Sexting and a whole host of other topics, which are now requirements under the new RSHE/RSE statutory guidelines.

Free Safeguarding Resources schools can subscribe too (Newsletters, podcasts & resources):

Online Safety Resources:

  1.  DigiSafe newsletter: safeguarding updates for DSLs and Online Safety/RSHE leads 
  2. IncludED newsletter: updates for SEND, inclusion, mental health and wellbeing
  • Thinkuknow - Updates sent about Online Safety and resources for schools

The Bridge, ACAMH's (The Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health) Magazine, shares the latest clinically relevant child and adolescent mental health research, best practice, and policy. We publish accessible, interesting, and useful articles to inform our readers' work with young people, bridging the gap between expert evidence and current practice. - 2021 New Issue 1 - ACAMH

ACAMH also has weekly podcasts Podcasts Archives - ACAMH

The NSPCC have podcasts available featuring experts from the NSPCC and external organisations discussing a range of child protection issues.
No matter your role or setting, you'll gain valuable information to take away through the discussions, one-to-one chats, and debates. This may be a different way of sharing information with your staff. Put it on your Safeguarding shared area and signpost them to it. Subscribe to the podcast and stay-to-date with all episodes via AudioboomApple Podcasts and Spotify and YouTube.
Visit https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/podcast

Whole school approach RSE audit tool | sexeducationforum.org.uk

Free RSE resources - Brook

Relationships and sex education (RSE) resources for schools | NSPCC Learning - includes training, lesson plans and a dedicated helpline to support secondary school teachers to confidently deliver inclusive sex and relationships education.

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk) - government guidance.





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