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Nicole Diamond

Child Protection Lead for Education

My name is Nicole Diamond and I'm the Child Protection Lead for schools in Hillingdon. I am a qualified Social Worker and have worked in various roles in Children & Families services for the past 20 years including in Hillingdon from 2018-22 as a senior social worker.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss any safeguarding queries or to explore any support I might be able to offer.

How I can help ....

  • I provide advice to schools around specific safeguarding concerns and general school safeguarding.
  • I deliver Level 1 safeguarding briefings for governors throughout the school year.
  • I share my training resources with DLS to support in their own delivery of training, e.g., Level 1 Safeguarding for All School Staff presentation/slides.
  • I offer weekly reflective sessions to DSLs and relevant staff for specific families that do not have a social worker to identify how the school can support further and to listen to school's concerns.
  • I produce and send out bitesize webinars on relevant topics that DSLs can use to further support their learning and the wider school community.
  • I run 'Cluster Groups' every 3 months where DLS from across the borough come together as a chance to meet and share learning. Guest speakers are invited to offer training or to engage with schools to improve practice. Local borough updates are shared.
  • I keep a database of safeguarding leads within schools and send out relevant local & national safeguarding updates, training information and guidance.
  • I work across Education and Social Care to try to support in improving practice and communication.
  • I am the deputy LADO which means I support the LADO in her role and am available to provide advice and guidance.   

Contact Details:

Email: ndiamond@hillingdon.gov.uk

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