13th June 2022
Dear Colleagues,
To action: | |
Sign up to Writing Effective SEFs & SIPs Session for Headteachers here | By 16th June |
Ongoing reminders: | |
Submit the Educational Setting Status form weekly via the following link: https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status | Thursdays |
Hillingdon Learning Partnership Invoices
The Board have asked that schools are reminded to pay invoices for their contributions to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership. Invoices were sent in May to schools. If you have any queries, please contact: hillingdonlearningpartnership@hillingdon.gov.uk.
Head Teachers Termly - Thursday 16th June 2022
Please see Agenda link below. To join the meeting please click here.
Head Teachers Termly Agenda - Summer 2022 (PDF, 72 KB)
Nursery and Reception Data
From September, there are some changes in the way in which funding for nursery provision is delivered. These changes are as follows:
- All nursery attendance data will need to be submitted to the local authority each term. This is required for the delivery of free early years provision to support auditing, minimising the potential for duplicate funding and ensuring that funding is allocated appropriately. It would also be helpful if data on attendance in Reception classes is also provided directly to the council for similar reasons but this will be optional.
- Attendance data returned to the local authority must include the date that each child begins attending (not the date that the child is registered with the school). This is because each child is funded on the basis of the total hours that they attend in the term.
- Schools will be able to claim for children who begin their school nursery after the week of the termly school census. Up to now, schools have only been able to claim for children who are attending during census week.
We will be contacting schools in due course with information about how this data on attendance in Nursery and Reception classes can be provided. If you have any questions, please contact the Families' Information Service by emailing fis@hillingdon.gov.uk.
Statutory RSE - A Role for all Teaching Staff
"Statutory RSE is not just a list of topics to tick off a list, it should be relevant to children's everyday lives and reach across the curriculum. Indeed, in many ways, all teachers are teachers of RSE" Lucy Emmerson explains.
Here is an excellent article in SecEd by Lucy Emmerson, Chief Executive of the Sex Education Forum (SEF), about the importance of all teaching staff in implementing Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).
Please share with relevant colleagues.
GRT History Month Event
Unfortunately the event planned for 30th June has been postponed. The GRT Team are hoping to hold this in September. Further details to follow soon.
Please see Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Programme - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk) for guidance and resources on GRT History Month.
Trauma Informed Schools with Dr Karen Treisman MBE
Hillingdon Virtual School are delighted to share that Dr Karen Treisman will be hosting a free one-day webinar via Zoom on Trauma Informed Schools.
This day will provide an overview of what we mean by moving towards being a more trauma-informed school. This will give some of the main principles, ideas, and values. As well as some tangible tools and suggestions. For those who have attended previous sessions there will be some overlap and this will build on that existing knowledge. For those who are new this will give an introduction and flavour into trauma-informed schools to support you on your ongoing journey.
Please do share this with colleagues who you feel would benefit from this training session.
WHEN: Thursday 7th July 2022
Times: 9.30 am - 4.00 pm
If you wish to attend, please complete this form no later than Monday 4th July.
Careers Fair - Secondaries please share with students/parents/carers
Our annual Careers Fair is back and better than ever, with not one but two days of virtual and in-house workshops and expert presentations on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June.
Take part online on Thursday 23rd June from 6 - 9 pm, or in person at Brookfield Adult Learning Centre on Friday 24th June from 10 am - 2.30 pm.
Click here for more information and registration details.
Rise Up Academy Summer School - Secondaries please share with students/parents/carers
The FREE Rise Up Academy Summer School offers years 7-13 UK students two fun packed days getting hands-on media technology experience.
Rise and our industry sponsors, including BT Sport, ITV, Discovery, Sky & disguise, invite students to register for this exciting summertime experience during the first week of August. There are two sessions for different age groups - both taking place at the Global Academy in Hayes. There are 250 places available in each session and workshops will be in groups of 30 covering topics such as post production, build a TV studio, virtual production, graphics, cloud streaming etc, across the 2 days.
The two session dates are:
- 2-3 August. This session is exclusively for students who are currently in years 7-9. Parents/care givers can click here to register their child or children
- 4-5 August, This session is exclusively for students who are currently in years 10-13. Parents/care givers can click here to register their child or children.
Please see: https://risewib.com/rise-up-academy-summer-school-2022-news/ for more information or contact carrie@risewib.com if you have any questions.
School Plates: Healthier & More Sustainable School Food in Hillingdon
After the success of the first School Plates online workshop, ProVeg UK invites you to the second in the series of online workshops, 'Plant-based Cooking in Schools'. You can watch the first workshop again here
The second workshop will take place on Wednesday 29th June from 3 - 4pm and is aimed at caterers, or anyone else who is interested, from individual schools.
The workshop will include:
- An overview of the ProVeg UK School Plates Programme, why it's important to offer healthy and sustainable menus with planet-friendly meals, as well as how to use plant-based ingredients.
- Cooking demonstrations of:
- Mexican-Style Chilli Non Carne (ve)
- Creamy Cauli Mac'n'Cheese'n'Peas (ve)
- Crushed Chickpea & Sweetcorn Mayo Wrap (ve)
- Sweet Potato, Carrot & Garlic Mash (ve)
- Q&A where we will also address some of the questions we received in the feedback from the last workshop.
To join the workshop please register here
To learn more about School Plates programme visit https://proveg.com/uk/school-plates-the-programme/ or email schools@proveg.com
The National FGM Centre - Free Training for All School Staff
In response to the feedback we received from schools indicating need for further support around FGM, we are running a CPD training on 6th July 2022 3.30 - 5.30 pm for any staff member, including auxiliary staff in any school in Hillingdon, run by The National FGM Centre.
Please do encourage your staff where possible to sign up to this free CPD training.
To book places, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/identifying-supporting-protecting-girls-women-from-fgm-hillingdon-tickets-352476385357. Please note spaces are limited.
Developing an Anti-Racist Approach to Your Classroom
Educating for Equality will be hosting their first face to face course in Central London this November. This one day course is aimed at class teachers and leaders who would like practical strategies for developing an anti-racist approach to their classroom practice.
School leaders have a vital part to play in promoting equality and equity in their schools. Book a place on our online session, 'Leading anti-racist education' on one of the following dates: 14th September, 12th October or 9th November or sign up for cohort 4 of the online School Development Programme for School Leaders. Use the code: earlybird22 for a 10% discount! Places are limited so book early!
The Reach Next Generation Summit - Secondaries please share with students/parents/carers
The Reach Next Generation Summit for 11-15 year-old girls is back in London and will be taking place at the Emirates Stadium on 2nd July 2022.
The Summit is designed to help girls with all the issues and challenges they face in an ever-changing World and have a series of conversations around a range of topics all lead by inspirational women from all backgrounds. Details of this FREE event are at www.reachnextgeneration.com where the girls can register, or a school might like to bring a group.
Please circulate information to your colleagues, teaching staff, parents and of course the girls in your school. Here's a short film and a little feedback from the last Summit: https://vimeo.com/714070618/8930de9e4c
Abi Preston