20th June 2022
Dear Colleagues,
To action: | |
No current actions to note. |
Ongoing reminders: | |
Submit the Educational Setting Status form weekly via the following link: https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status | Thursdays |
Headteachers Termly Presentations
Please click here (PDF) [2MB] for the SEND slides used at the Head Teachers Termly meeting last week. Thank you to everyone who attended.
REMINDER: SEND Service 'Meet The Team' Event for SENDCos
Dan Cowling, Headteacher at Oak Wood School, has agreed to host a SEND Service 'Meet the Team' event for SENDCos. Organised for the afternoon of Wednesday 22nd June 2022 from 3 - 5 pm at Oak Wood School.
This will be an informal opportunity for all SENDCos, both primary and secondary, to meet with the Hillingdon SEND Service at the school. Dan will organise parking and refreshments.
It will be good to see you.
SEND Service
LA Procurement Inflation Briefing
Schools are welcome to use the strategies and guidance provided by the LA's Procurement Service in relation to managing the current inflation issue with contracts. Please see this presentation for more information.
Successful, Sustainable, Viable Schools: Infant & Junior Amalgamation Policy
The Education Service has updated the existing Infant & Junior Amalgamation Policy (2009) and requests that colleagues - Headteachers, SLT, staff and Governors, take this opportunity to review and comment on the policy from Monday 20th June - Sunday 17th July at 5pm. Following this consultation all responses and comments will be taken into consideration ahead of the policy being presented at the Cabinet scheduled for 1st September 2022.
We are keen to hear your views about the proposals and would be grateful if you would spend a few minutes to complete this Survey.
Amalgamation Policy DRAFT June 22 v3 (PDF) [385KB]
Nurturing Empathy Before Transition Project
The London Violence Reduction Unit is supporting Roots of Empathy and the Youth Endowment Fund to deliver the Nurturing Empathy Before Transition project. We are recruiting Primary schools from disadvantaged areas of London to participate in an exciting trial of our experiential, award winning, early intervention programme - Roots of Empathy.
This is a fully funded programme and Expressions of Interest are required ASAP.
Roots of Empathy focuses on providing an evidence-based classroom prevention programme that fosters the development of empathy in primary school children. The programme invites community families into classrooms to demonstrate the power of a secure attachment relationship between infant and parent - the first and most powerful model of empathy and is delivered with the support of a trained volunteer Instructor. Since 2000, independent research on the Roots of Empathy programme has found that children in the Roots of Empathy programme experience an increase in empathy, a decrease in aggressive behaviours including bullying, an increase in prosocial behaviours such as sharing, helping, cooperating, kindness, and an increase in knowledge of infant development.
Please see: Roots of Empathy's IMPACT ON THE WORLD for further information.
To express an interest in joining the trial contact Katie Cohen at kcohen@rootsofempathy.org. Recruitment for September closes end of June 2022.