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12th September 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Ongoing reminders:    

Secondaries to register for FREE Speechlink access and training using this form

 By 16th September 2022

19th September 2022 is a Bank Holiday and Schools should be closed

19th September 2022

Governors to sign up to LA Schools' Governance Service Events for 2022/23.  To view the brochure and book sessions, please click here.   




HSE Inspectors to Assess the Management of Asbestos in Schools

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that they will be carrying out a programme inspection of schools starting in September 2022. The inspections will be assessing how schools are managing the risks from asbestos within the school estate and meeting the 'duty to manage' (DTM) requirements under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR). The regulations place duties on those with responsibility for the maintenance of work premises, including schools, to manage the risk from asbestos. For the majority of schools, this will be the employer. 

The visits will be carried out by HSE inspectors, who will contact the school before visiting to arrange a suitable date and time for the inspection. They will need to speak to someone with knowledge of how asbestos is managed by the school and may also ask to see certain documentation in advance of the visit e.g. your asbestos register and management plan. 

Full details of the HSE inspections can be found on the following link: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKHSE/bulletins/32b4bf7 


Managing Asbestos in Schools 

Guidance on how schools should manage asbestos is available on the Department for Education and Health and Safety Inspectorate websites 



The Local Authority will be in touch with Community Schools over the next week to request details on how asbestos is currently being managed. 


Suspensions 2022 - 2023 

Following the updated guidance School Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Guidance September 2022 schools are required to notify the Local Authority of a suspension as well as a permanent exclusion without delay.  There is now a form for suspensions and the Permanent Exclusions Form has been updated.  

Please complete the appropriate form when the decision has been made to either suspend or permanently exclude a pupil to notify us of this. The links to the form are: 

These forms can also be found on LEAP 

Please do reach out to the Exclusion Support Team via email - exclusionsupport@hillingdon.gov.uk if you require further support regarding suspensions or permanent exclusions.  


Encourage your students to #AskAboutAsthma

Dear Headteachers,

The NW London ICS Children's and Young People (CYP) Communication Group is asking all schools to take part in the 2022 #AskAboutAsthma campaign which will run from 12 - 18 September.

This coincides with a time of year when there are more asthma attacks, following pupils' return from the school holidays.

Please check that you have individual asthma action plans in place - or a school-wide plan. As part of the school admissions process, all schools (mainstream and special schools) should complete a health check. If a child has asthma, parents should be asked to share the asthma action plan with the school, or the GP can be contacted directly for a copy. GPs are responsible for providing an asthma action plan (unless the child has more significant asthma difficulties where they are seen by specialist services).

Furthermore, we are asking you to download this poster now (primary school and secondary school) and display it in your classrooms and dining areas.

Encourage young people and their parents to be aware of the four ways in which they can manage their asthma:

1. Get an asthma action plan in place

2. Understand how to use inhalers correctly

3. Schedule an asthma review - every year and after every attack

4. Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health

Click here to find more materials for primary schools, and click here for secondary school materials.

We thank you in advance for your assistance.

Dr Niamh McLaughlin, NW London/MCYP Clinical Lead and Dr Mando Watson, Consultant Paediatrician at Imperial College NHS Trust

Joint Chair, North West London Integrated Care System, Children and Young's People Communications Group


The Power of Language with Dr Karen Treisman 

Hillingdon Virtual School are delighted that Dr Karen Treisman will be hosting a one day webinar for us on The Power of Language. 

This is a powerful and thought-provoking day reflecting on the power of the words we use and how we use them - including how we write reports, talk in conversation with children and young people as well as fellow professionals and the acronyms we use.  Please do share with colleagues who you feel would benefit from this training session. 

On: Wednesday 21st September 

Time: 9.30am - 4.00pm 

VIA: Zoom 

If you wish to attend, please complete this form no later than Monday 19th September. 

Dr Karen Treisman is a Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist who has worked in the National Health System and children's services for several years, including working with CLA in Kensington and Chelsea. Karen has extensive experience in the areas of trauma, parenting, adversity (ACE's) and attachment, and works clinically using a range of therapeutic approaches with families, systems, and children in or on the edge of care, unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people, and adopted children. 

You can learn more about Karen and her work at: http://www.safehandsthinkingminds.co.uk 


Educational Visits Coordinator Training (annual requirement for Maintained schools but open to Academies too)

This year's Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) training is being offered again to Hillingdon schools by Evolve Advice Ltd.  

On:  Tuesday 15th November 2022 

Time:  9.30 am- 12.30 pm    

Part 1 - E-learning     

This is the self-guided e-learning part of the course. This must be completed ahead of part two, access will be granted for this element 5 days before part 2.    

Part 2 - Via Zoom (3 hours)     

This is the face-to-face element of the course. The zoom room will open 20 minutes before the start time to allow you time to join and check your connection before starting.   

If you have not completed the e-learning by this time you will not receive the invite to part 2.   

Cost (invoices will be issued):

Maintained Schools - £85.00 per person     

Academy / Independent Schools - £135 per person   

This course aims to equip staff with the key requirements to become a competent Educational Visit Coordinator. It will outline key considerations in planning an educational visit, updating participants with current good practice in the supervision of young people. The course provides training in strategies used for risk management and risk assessment off-site, and will include sessions on: 

  • Planning 
  • Risk management 
  • Competence 
  • Supervision 
  • Guidance 
  • Best Practice 
  • Legal issues 

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance, validated by our IOSH and IIRSM validator, upon completion of the course including passing the assessment. 

To register for this training, please complete this form by Friday 28th October 2022. 


Reminder - Climate Action Plan for Schools 

Thank you to the schools that responded to our boroughwide Climate Action Plan consultation to shape our final plan www.hillingdon.gov.uk/climate-action. It is great to hear from schools that are already working on climate action and confirm the following key benefits for schools to be engaged in this area:    

  • Curriculum development in Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE), Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC), British Values, Citizenship, Geography and Science.  
  • Links through Ofsted's inspection framework.  
  • Overall financial reduction in running costs.    
  • Being part of a world change.    

The next step is for schools to create / formalise their own Climate Action Plan with their pupils and share this with the Council to contribute to our boroughwide plan. The Council requires maintained schools to focus on this area over the year with an aim of completion by April 2023. Academy schools are recommended to submit their plans to the Council. 

You will find our Climate Action Plan short template, along with a variety of resources here - Climate Action for Schools - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk).    

Once completed, your Climate Action Plan should be submitted to: education@hillingdon.gov.uk before Friday 28th April 2023. Plans will be reviewed and themes identified to help shape our funding offer for 2023/24. 

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support: education@hillingdon.gov.uk 


Bhangra Dance London School Workshops - Primary and Secondary

Bhangra Dance London, the UK's premier Punjabi Folk Dance academy, specialise in teaching and performing the art of traditional Bhangra dancing are offering school workshops to support curriculum development in PE, RE, PSHE and SMSC.

During our teaching years, we have seen first-hand the benefit dance has had on many of our children. Learning Bhangra promotes increased confidence, focus, and allows children the opportunity to experience the thrill of performing. The physical and mental well-being aspects are very evident. We also understand the importance of children learning about different cultures at schools. We have found these workshops to be a great, practical way of breaking down cultural barriers as this dance can be enjoyed by all. We have undertaken successful workshops within schools in the borough. Teacher testimonials are available to view on request.

Offer details: Full day in school workshops typically consist of each class taking part in a session for approx. 45 minutes. We usually work with schools to create a timetable which best suits their lesson times. The workshop will consist of children attending sessions throughout the day, learning traditional steps linked to historic north Indian festivals and can end with children to demonstrate their newly learnt skills in a performance/ end of day assembly.

To create a more authentic experience, we bring along dance props and small segments of the traditional dress for the children to try. The vibrant colours of these ensure that students and their focus levels are locked in! There is no specific requirements the schools need to provide, a large space will be sufficient. We bring our own PA system and also encourage staff involvement! All instructors are DBS checked and cleared.

Funding: Primary schools are encouraged to use their PE and sport premium to cover the cost of this workshop. To discuss costs please contact us via: 

Weblink / YouTube / Instagram / Info@bhangradancelondon / 07780 125462


L&D Training for Schools:    

Lunchtime Assistants De-escalation Training - 13th October 2022 (unstructured time) 

Time:  4 pm - 6 pm   

Venue: Webinar  

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA   

A short course designed to help SMSAs in supporting behaviour that challenges during unstructured time.  It will cover:   

  • Develop the skills of your SMSAs    
  • Understanding behaviour   
  • Personal Space and body language    
  • Coping with crisis behaviours   
  • Using positive strategies to deal with behaviour that challenges   
  • Practical strategies to calm crisis   


Reducing Exclusions in Primary and Secondary Settings Course - 18th October 2022  

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm 

Venue: Via Webinar  

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA   

Speechmark commissioned author, Clare Edmondson shares her research and knowledge from her upcoming book "Desperately Seeking Inclusion" - how to support your children and young people at risk of exclusion.  It covers:   

  • The current picture of exclusions in the UK   
  • Impact of exclusions   
  • The pros and the cons   
  • What evidence suggests is the best way to reduce exclusions 


Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - 18th October 2022   

The History fieldwork day will be taking place at 9 am - 12 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth.  

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place at 1 pm - 3 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School.   

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.   

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.   


An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment Course - 10th November 2022 

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm  

Venue: Via Webinar  

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA   

A young person's attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour.  It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this, especially as children and staff are currently living through a natural disaster.  These circumstances will undoubtedly add to current complex trauma or create difficulties for children who had not previously presented with trauma or attachment difficulties.  


Humanities Coordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022 

Time: 9.30 am - 11.30 am  

Venue: Via Webinar  

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.   

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.   


Humanities Coordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022  

Time: 1 pm - 3 pm  

Venue: Via Webinar  

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.   

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.   


Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.  


Team Teach Level 1 (Low Risk Settings) Course - 4th October 2022   

Time: 9 am - 3.45 pm  

Venue:  St Mary's Catholic School, Rockingham Close, Uxbridge UB8 2UA   

Cost: £85 per person    

Aimed at low-risk service settings: Mainstream Secondary, Primary Schools, Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, Elderly Care etc. Typically, staff supporting individuals without any documented challenging behaviours that pose a physical risk to self or others.  This course covers: personal safety, team building, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, some positive handling techniques- if required, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing.   

Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate.  

To book your place please contact Clare Edmondson at changingbehaviouruk@gmail.com  Tel: 077895 16413.  For further information please see www.Changing-behaviour.co.uk . 



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