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3rd October 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Ongoing reminders: 

Schools can sign up to Educational Visits Coordinator Training using this form. Click here for further details 

By 28th October 2022 

Virtual LA Schools' Governance Service Events for all Governors - add to diary 

13th October 2022 5-7pm 

Schools can register their interest for training around 'Risk Reduction Through Search and Confiscation' here  

By 7th October 2022 


Primary Assessment and Moderation

Please forward this  Primary Assessment and Moderation Briefing (PDF) [241KB] to your assessment leads. It contains important information relating to statutory guidance, training opportunities for KS1 and KS2 new and existing teachers, along with a CPD offer to act as an LA moderator.

Academy schools - the STA requires you to nominate your moderation partner by 18th November and you will find our agreement conditions and application within this briefing.

If you have any queries, please contact the Moderation Manager, Rani Dady at: rdady@hillingdon.gov.uk.


 Head Teachers Termly 

All Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the borough are invited to this terms virtual session, details are:

  • Friday 10th November 2022 
  • 9:30-10:30am 
  • Virtual Session - MS Teams link and agenda to be shared shortly  


School Census 

Below is a checklist that we hope will make your census return a simple and incident free process. We have located the DfE guidance on Notes/Return Level Notes and these are also attached below. 

When COLLECT reports either a query or error, search for the Query or Error Number in the first column in either the Pupil, School, or TonT worksheets. Make use of the "Acceptable Notepad Entry" column in your census return. 

Please correct all errors and queries or add Return Level Notes before submitting your return within COLLECT. 

For us to support you better could you please supply us with the name and email address of whoever is responsible for your census return. This is usually the school business manager or data manager.  We will only contact them if there are issues with your return. Please send the information to Marc Sherman at msherman@hillingdon.gov.uk

The Data Team 

School and Pupil Census Checklist (PDF) [198KB]

2022-2023 School Census Notepad Entries v.1.0 (Excel doc) [48KB]


Post 16 Digital Prospectus 

We are delighted to have launched our Hillingdon's Post 16 Prospectus 2022/23. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the prospectus and we are pleased to be using this as part of the sessions with students and it will also be made available on the Council's website.  

Please can this be used and shared amongst all careers leads/heads of sixth form/parents and students in year 11, so there is an understanding of the borough wide offer and courses/pathways that can be considered.  

Anyone who wants to get in contact to discuss the prospectus please contact Dale Hughes - Post 16 Partnership Coordinator at DHughes@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Hillingdon Learning Partnership 

Primaries signed up to the HLP can find course booking details on LEAP here. 

Schools that would still like to sign up to the HLP can do so by emailing hillingdonlearningpartnership@hillingdon.gov.uk


Early Support Funding (ESF)

Please find attached information from the SEND Advisory Service on ESF.  Please forward to appropriate colleagues.

ESF Flyer (PDF) [148KB]


Harmful Sexual Behaviour  

The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse have published their latest resource Safety Planning in Education: A guide for professionals supporting children following incidents of harmful sexual behavior.

Thank you to everyone within our local schools that supported and contributed to the development of this resource.  

This new Safety Planning in Education Guide provides practical support for professionals in education settings to respond to children's needs and safety when incidents of harmful sexual behaviour occur.  The guide is split into two: Part A looks at the key actions for a school when an incident of harmful sexual behaviour has occurred, including a safety plan template for recording, and reviewing arrangements, and Part B focusses on broader practical advice such as how to communicate with children and their parents in these circumstances and an appendix with useful links and resources.  

The guide has been developed by professionals, for professionals and has been robustly reviewed by academics, teachers, Headteachers, Local Authority safeguarding leads and designated safeguarding leads across a variety of settings including faith schools, residential, mainstream primary and secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units.  

The Centre of Expertise on CSA will be attending the DSL clusters in October to introduce this document and there will be further training to follow, which will go into their resources in more detail. 


Teaching FGM in Schools - Free Training by The National FGM Centre 

The National FGM Centre are leaders in their field, and I encourage you to take up this opportunity - plus it is FREE! 

It will be held at Oak Wood School, who have kindly offered their facilities so that this training can be in person, on Wednesday 23rd November 3:30-5:30pm.  

Please do share this link with your colleagues, as this is open to any teaching staff in any school in Hillingdon, and not solely DSL's: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-fgm-in-schools-hillingdon-schools-only-tickets-384135057297.

If staff are not able to attend the training on the 23rd November then there are further virtual trainings being provided by the National FGM Centre. These are: 

3rd October 2022 at 3:30-5:30pm: Learning Zone - Identifying, Supporting and Protecting girls and women from FGM and breast flattening 

19th 2022 October at 1:30 - 4:30pm: Abuse linked to faith or belief 

These will NOT be on offer after October so please do take advantage to update your FGM knowledge, which is an important part of the statutory guidance. 

Nicole Diamond - CP Lead for Schools  


Ukraine Offers of Support Resource Pack for Schools and Colleges v

Please see the final version 3 of the Resource Pack which was published last week https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/helping-ukrainian-students-in-schools.

The resource has and will continue to be a great tool for signposting various professionals in supporting our Ukrainian children, students and their communities here in the UK. Please continue to share or highlight this to those who may need it. 


HR Governors' Training - reminder to access presentation slides

In September and December 2021, two HR Governor training sessions were provided by the LA, using the legal education experts law firm, Browne Jacobson LLP.  Schools are reminded to access these slides for information: HR Mandatory Governors' Training - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk


Previously shared course offers

L&D Training for Schools:       

Lunchtime Assistants De-escalation Training - 13th October 2022 (unstructured time)  

Time:  4pm-6pm      

Venue: Webinar     

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA      

A short course designed to help SMSAs in supporting behaviour that challenges during unstructured time.  It will cover:      

·       Develop the skills of your SMSAs       

·       Understanding behaviour      

·       Personal Space and body language       

·       Coping with crisis behaviours      

·       Using positive strategies to deal with behaviour that challenges      

·       Practical strategies to calm crisis  

Reducing Exclusions in Primary and Secondary Settings Course - 18th October 2022   

Time: 4pm-6pm    

Venue: Via Webinar     

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA      

Speechmark commissioned author, Clare Edmondson shares her research and knowledge from her upcoming book "Desperately Seeking Inclusion" - how to support your children and young people at risk of exclusion.  It covers:      

·       The current picture of exclusions in the UK      

·       Impact of exclusions      

·       The pros and the cons      

·       What evidence suggests is the best way to reduce exclusions    

Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - 18th October 2022  

The History fieldwork day will be taking place at 9am-12pm at Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth.     

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place at 1pm-3pm at Harmondsworth Primary School.      

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.      

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.  

An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment Course - 10th November 2022  

Time: 4pm-6pm     

Venue: Via Webinar     

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA      

A young person's attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour.  It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this, especially as children and staff are currently living through a natural disaster.  These circumstances will undoubtedly add to current complex trauma or create difficulties for children who had not previously presented with trauma or attachment difficulties.  

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022  

Time: 9:30am-11:30am     

Venue: Via Webinar     

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.      

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.  

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022  

Time: 1pm-3pm     

Venue: Via Webinar     

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.      

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse. Please click here for more details.  

Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.   



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