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10th October 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Ongoing reminders:  

Schools can sign up to Educational Visits Coordinator Training using this form. Click here for further details  

By Friday 28th October 2022  

Head Teachers Termly for all Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers from the borough - add to diary.  (Agenda and link to join will be shared shortly) 

Friday 11th November 2022, 9.30 - 10.30am via MS Teams (moved from original scheduled date of 10th November)

Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here 


Governors can sign up to events & briefing sessions here 




SCERTS Training October 2022 - Sign up Now!

The SEND Advisory Service uses the SCERTS Framework as part of our service offer to Early Years Settings and Schools. We would like to invite you to join this session to ensure our teams are working collaboratively and providing a consistent approach and support to our children and young people in Hillingdon. 

Emily Rubin, Co-Founder of SCERTS will be delivering a virtual training session on Monday 31st October 2022 9am-4pm. The session will cover:

  • An Introduction to the SCERTS Framework to enhance active engagement in the classroom 
  • How SCERTS has been embedded in Hillingdon 
  • How the Engagement model links in with the SCERTS Framework 
  • Case studies

If you would like to join this session, please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/LwqKQAVM10

A full agenda and Zoom links will be shared with those who have signed up.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Reminder - Primary Assessment and Moderation 

Please forward this  Primary Assessment and Moderation Briefing (PDF) [241KB] to your assessment leads. It contains important information relating to statutory guidance, training opportunities for KS1 and KS2 new and existing teachers, along with a CPD offer to act as an LA moderator. 

Academy schools - the STA requires you to nominate your moderation partner by 18th November and you will find our agreement conditions and application within this briefing. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Moderation Manager, Rani Dady at: rdady@hillingdon.gov.uk


Reminder - LA Schools' Governance Service Event  

All school governors from maintained and academy schools are invited to the annual LA Schools' Governance Service Event. Information and updates will be provided by key service leads from across the Council to help governors to understand statutory responsibilities. 

Date: Thursday 13th October 2022  

Time: 5-7pm  

Via MS Teams: Please click here to join the meeting 

Please see updated Agenda for further details:  LA School Governance Service Event - Agenda - 13.10.22 (PDF) [96KB] 


Suspensions and Exclusions 2022 - 2023 

Following the updated guidance School Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Guidance September 2022 schools are required to notify the Local Authority of a Suspension as well as a permanent exclusion without delay.  

There is now a form for Suspensions and the Permanent Exclusions form has been updated. Please complete the appropriate form when the decision has been made to either Suspend or Permanently Exclude a pupil to notify us of this. The links to the form are: 

These forms can also be found on LEAP 

Please do reach out to the Exclusion Support Team via email: exclusionsupport@hillingdon.gov.uk if you require further support regarding Suspensions or Permanent Exclusions.  


From Excluded to Included - FREE TRAINING 

How do we support the pupils at risk of exclusion or repeated exclusions to, not only remain in school, but feel engaged, understood and valued while at the same time supporting other pupils and staff? 

Understanding the motivation behind pupils' behaviour and building positive relationships is key to supporting integration and attendance. 

From Excluded to Included - Strategies and interventions to support pupils at risk of exclusion will be delivered online by AC Education, on Wednesday 9th November 2022 from 3.30 - 5.00pm.  

We will explore the ways in which schools can reduce the number of exclusions through developing their understanding of the factors that affect behaviour, the importance of relationships and how to use policies and systems effectively. 

We will also look at practical ideas and advice for school staff to help pupils at risk of exclusion to remain in school and become valued members of the school to help reduce exclusions. 

We have 30 places available on this training. These will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. 

Please email Beverley O'Dwyer - bo'dwyer@hillingdon.gov.uk the name and email address of the person from your school you would like to attend. 


Twilight CPD for School Music Teachers: Leading Group Singing 

On: Thursday 20th October 2022 

Venue: Middlesex Suite, Civic Centre, Uxbridge 

Times:             16:10 - 17:20       Primary Teachers 

                           17:20 - 18:30       Secondary Teachers  

Cost: £35 per participant, invoiced to the school 

Provided by our partners at Voices Foundation, this workshop aims to develop confidence and improve group leadership skills for music teachers. Suitable for: 

  • Beginners 
  • Teachers looking to brush up their skills 
  • Teachers with limited experience 

Please note parking is not available at the Civic Centre, but can be found in the Chimes shopping centre a short walk away. 

Sign up here for Autumn Teachers' CPD 


Asthma Training for All Schools 

Please see this letter of offer for asthma training for school staff:  National Asthma Training letter_Oct 22 (PDF) [112KB]


Previously shared course offers 

L&D Training for Schools:     

Reducing Exclusions in Primary and Secondary Settings Course - 18th October 2022    

Time: 4pm-6pm     

Venue: Via Webinar      

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA       

Speechmark commissioned author, Clare Edmondson shares her research and knowledge from her upcoming book "Desperately Seeking Inclusion" - how to support your children and young people at risk of exclusion.  It covers:       

·       The current picture of exclusions in the UK       

·       Impact of exclusions       

·       The pros and the cons       

·       What evidence suggests is the best way to reduce exclusions     

Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - 18th October 2022   

The History fieldwork day will be taking place at 9am-12pm at Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth.      

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place at 1pm-3pm at Harmondsworth Primary School.       

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.       

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.   

An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment Course - 10th November 2022   

Time: 4pm-6pm      

Venue: Via Webinar      

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA       

A young person's attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour.  It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this, especially as children and staff are currently living through a natural disaster.  These circumstances will undoubtedly add to current complex trauma or create difficulties for children who had not previously presented with trauma or attachment difficulties.   

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022   

Time: 9:30am-11:30am      

Venue: Via Webinar      

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.       

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.   

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022   

Time: 1pm-3pm      

Venue: Via Webinar      

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.       

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse. Please click here for more details.   

Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.    



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