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16th January 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Ongoing reminders:    


Maintained schools should submit their Climate Action Plans 

By 28th April 

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here 


Schools can sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership courses here  


Governors can sign up to virtual events & briefing sessions here 



Spring School Census 

The Spring School Census is fast approaching and we have provided some key information below. 

Important dates: 

  • Census date 19/01/2023, school return deadline date 15/02/2023 

  • Attendance collected from the start of the Autumn Term to 31/12/2022 

  • Exclusions collected from 18/04/2022 to 31/12/2022 

  • Free School Meal Eligibility collected from 07/10/2022 to 19/01/2023 

  • Alternative Provision Placements collected from 06/10/2022 to 19/01/2023 

  • Funding and Monitoring collected from 01/08/2022 to 19/01/2023 

  • Learner Support collected from 01/08/2022 to 19/01/2023 

Census changes this term: 

  • Young Carer Indicator 

  • School Time 

  • Alternative provision (AP) placement modules - From spring 2023, the AP modules have become mandatory. 

  • Sessions coronavirus (attendance code X) - From spring 2023, this code will no longer be applicable for pupils aged 5 to 15. 

  • Funding and monitoring (FAM) - For the 2022 to 2023 academic year, the school census will collect data about all tuition provided via the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). 

  • Post looked after arrangements (PLAA) Code Set - From autumn 2022, the code set has been extended to include "O - ceased to be looked after through adopted from state care outside of England and Wales". 

After uploading your return to COLLECT please validate and resolve your errors.  We can offer support but as this is your data it is your obligation to correct all errors/queries.  The DfE will not authorise your return until errors are corrected; or Return Level Notes are added to explain why the error cannot be resolved. 

Thank you. 

The Data Team 

2022-2023 School Census Notepad Entries v.1.0 (Excel doc) [48KB]

2022-23_School_Census_Business_and_Technical_Spec_V_1.2 (PDF) [2MB]

2022-23_School_Census_Validations_V1.5 (Excel doc) [143KB]

Spring 2023 Census Guidance (PDF) [272KB]

Collect_guide_for_schools (PDF) [2MB]


REMINDER - CO2 Monitors and Air Cleaning Units 

Last year, the DfE provided carbon dioxide (CO2) monitors for 50% of teaching spaces in state-funded education settings. The DfE will now be providing additional CO2 monitors for the remaining 50% of classrooms, to help balance ventilation with energy costs. Good ventilation in education settings remains important, both for managing the transmission of airborne illnesses like COVID-19 or flu, as well as aiding concentration and alertness.   

Further education and a small number of early years settings, namely eligible childminders, will be contacted separately with more information on how to receive additional monitors.   

The DfE is also reopening their programme for DfE-funded air cleaning units. These are for use in classrooms where it is not possible to maintain adequate ventilation and where CO2 levels are consistently over 1500ppm. Air cleaning units can help reduce airborne contaminants while remedial work is undertaken. DfE is providing guides on how to apply and on how to use an air cleaning unit.   

Please see useful guides below: 




Click here for Application Form   

Deadline to apply is 10th February 2023.  


REMINDER - Climate Action Plan for Schools  

Thank you to the schools that responded to our boroughwide Climate Action Plan consultation to shape our final plan www.hillingdon.gov.uk/climate-action. It is great to hear from schools that are already working on climate action and confirm the following key benefits for schools to be engaged in this area:     

  • Curriculum development in Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE), Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC), British Values, Citizenship, Geography and Science  

  • Links through Ofsted's inspection framework  

  • Overall financial reduction in running costs    

  • Being part of a world change  

The next step is for schools to create / formalise their own Climate Action Plan with their pupils and share this with the Council to contribute to our boroughwide plan. The Council requires maintained schools to focus on this area over the year with an aim of completion by April 2023. Academy schools are recommended to submit their plans to the Council.   

You will find our Climate Action Plan short template, along with a variety of resources here - Climate Action for Schools - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk).     

Once completed, your Climate Action Plan should be submitted to: education@hillingdon.gov.uk before Friday 28th April 2023. Plans will be reviewed and themes identified to help shape our funding offer for 2023/24.   

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support: education@hillingdon.gov.uk  


Brilliant Parents - please share with parents / carers 

Brilliant Dads (PDF) [1MB]


NHS Careers Untapped - 25th January 2023 - Secondaries please share with parents / carers 

The next NHS Careers Untapped Webinar is focusing on Allied Healthcare Professions and Healthcare Science and is being held on Wednesday 25th January from 4.30 - 6 pm.   

This webinar will showcase roles including Podiatry, Radiography, Play Specialist, Mammography, Bioinformatics and many more. Working for the NHS doesn't mean you have to be a doctor or nurse, and the aim of this event is to show you how other careers contribute to our wonderful healthcare service.  

This 90 minute free webinar is for young people aged 13-18, anyone interested in understanding careers in healthcare, and careers advisors who want to know more about the lesser-known roles in healthcare.  

To register for this event please click on this link: Register for Careers Untapped Webinar 

NHS Careers Untapped Webinar AHP-HCS (PDF) [370KB]



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