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22nd May 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting.  Many thanks.

Ongoing reminders:      


Hillingdon Youth Offer Consultation - Have your say on Youth Services: www.hillingdon.gov.uk/youth-offer-strategy

By Monday 5th June 2023

Please add the next Head Teachers' Termly to your calendars.  Agenda and link to join the meeting will be shared nearer the time. 

On Thursday 15th June 2023 2 - 4 pm 

Governors can sign up to the 'Governors & School Data' training session on 27th June at 6 pm.  Please click here to sign up  

By Friday 16th June 2023

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here   



Recording Alternative Provision in the School Census

The Brighton and Hove LA Data Team have drawn a flowchart of the process for recording AP provision in the summer school census. It's a great diagram and should be useful to all schools, please take the time to look at it.

Many thanks to the Brighton & Hove Data Team.

Please contact schoolcensus@hillingdon.gov.uk if you have any queries.

Flowchart Record AP in the School Census (PDF) [148KB]


EYFSP Attainment - Discrepancies in Pupil Numbers

Some LAs are reporting discrepancies in the number of pupils the DfE is expecting them schools to test and report upon.  These discrepancies have been as high as 25% of the cohort.

Could all schools participating in the EYFSP assessments please confirm the numbers of pupils being tested and reported upon.  Attached is a spreadsheet from the DfE that lists each school and the number of tests expected.

It was created from:

  • Early Years Census return,
  • Spring School Census, and
  • School Level Annual School Census.

The schools expected to report are:

  • maintained schools,
  • academies, and
  • private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) settings.

Pupils to be included are:

  • PVI settings - where the child is receiving government-funded early years education.  They will be eligible for funding if they were born between 1st April 2018 and 31st August 2018.
  • Maintained schools and academies - all children that are funded during the summer term.
  • The child has reached age 5 during the 2022/2023 academic year unless they have gained an exemption.

Do not submit data for unfunded children.

Please email attainment@hillingdon.gov.uk if you have any discrepancies.

Copy of 312 Hillingdon (Excel doc) [23KB]

Thank you.

The Data Team


Meeting Inspectors - A Guide for Governors

Thank you to those Governors and Headteachers who attended this session.  You can find the slides used and a recording of the session (when ready) here: Briefing & Training Sessions 2022/23 - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)


Getting September Ready!

The L&D Team are hosting an apprenticeship information evening to support you in getting ready for September 23' and beyond!  To be held on Wednesday 7th June 2023, 5 - 6:30 pm at the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.  To book or confirm your place please email tpaul@hillingdon.gov.uk.

High-quality partners, who passed an internal screening process, have been invited to share their apprentice offer with you. Please see a full agenda below:

  • Welcome and introductions.
  • Thomas Paul, Early Careers Officer to recap on the support available to Hillingdon Schools.
  • All - open discussion around apprentice success stories OR barriers that your school have faced.
  • Let Me Play Education - Case study & pitching their Level 2 - 5 Apprenticeships covering Teaching Assistant, Early Years, Community & Wellbeing, Sports, Business Admin, Finance and many more.
  • E-qualitias - Case study & pitching their Level 6 Teaching Apprenticeship
  • Q&A
  • AOB & Networking or getting home after a long day!

If you cannot attend, please feel free share this with a decision-making colleague. There is plenty of room for you and a colleague to attend together.

Thomas Paul, Early Careers Officer, L&D Team


SHSSN (South Hillingdon School Sports Network) Membership

Are you looking to join a network that aims to enhance the lives of ALL students, by creating opportunities to take part in sport & physical activity either as a participant, leader or performer. Our work promotes self-esteem, healthy & active lifestyles, and the development of life skills. We believe that the best way to achieve a thriving sports provision in our area, is by schools working together, across age groups, in local hubs, in a spirit of genuine partnership. If you would like to find out further information about our bronze package please here.

Schools that are currently part of our network of schools are: Highfield, Ryefield, St Bernadettes, Oak Farm, Hillingdon, John Locke, St Andrews, Pinkwell, Yeading Infants & Junior, Grange Park Infants & Junior, Hayes Park, Minet Infants, Meadow High & Barnhill High.

Staff Quotes: "Our pupils love the tasters and the opportunity to do something new", "The staff were fantastic. Very informative and encouraging to the children.", "Golf was awesome...would love to get hold of enough kit so I could run it in curriculum sessions", "Fantastic event which inspired our pupils"

Pupils Quotes: "'I want to come to Brunel'",  "Was such a fun day", "Best Day Ever"


Cricket Celebration at Cowley and Grassy Meadows Recreation Grounds

Celebrate the newly installed cricket facilities with a free open day weekend and the launch of our community coaching programme.

  • Grassy Meadows - Sunday 4th June 2023 from 10 am - 1 pm   A community event working with Hayes Cricket Club to welcome local families and schools to take part in activities at the new site, watch a junior match at the club next door and find out more about how to access and play cricket locally. Parking will be available at Hayes Cricket Club. Book your place here: Cricket open days - Hillingdon Council.  Please share this with your parents/carers.
  • Cowley Recreation - Thursday 29th June 2023 from 12 pm - 3 pm  Working together with the South Hillington School Sports Partnership, we will be inviting 10 schools within a 5-mile radius to take part in a fun festival. With Uxbridge Cricket Club and Middlesex County Cricket delivery small active skills stations, this will develop skills in Years 3 to Year 6 and enthuse their confidence to play cricket and come back to use. If you are a school looking to take part, please contact Neil on nwilkey@newnhamjun.org.uk

Alcohol Awareness Week

The Substance Use and Misuse Programme known locally as 'SORTED' is part of the London Borough of Hillingdon's' Adolescent Development Services. SORTED offer a range of interventions for children and young people aged 11-24 to raise awareness and minimalize the risks around substance use. We also offer information and advice services to parents and training to professionals.

This year Alcohol Awareness Week is taking place from the 3rd to 9th July and the SORTED team have devised a 45-minute Alcohol Awareness assembly to increase awareness of the risks associated with drinking alcohol.

We would like to offer this assembly to all secondary schools in Hillingdon. The delivery of the assembly is FREE and although Alcohol Awareness week runs from 3rd to the 9th July our assembly offer is for an extended period.

You can make a booking for your assembly on a Monday or a Tuesday from 5th June until 18th July. All enquires for bookings must be sent via sorted@hillingdon.gov.uk. Please note the deadline of 26th May for bookings.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to support your students and be part of the Alcohol Awareness Week campaign led by Alcohol Change UK.


SORTED and Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation Offer of FREE Theatre Play

The SORTED team and Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation are working together to offer all students who will be in Year 10 in Spring 2024 a unique opportunity! We are inviting you to view a powerful piece of verbatim theatre, written by acclaimed playwright Mark Wheeler- 'I Love You Mum; I Promise I Won't Diedelivered by Wizard Theatre.

The play tells the true story of Daniel Spargo-Mabbs who tragically died at the age of 16 from an unintentional overdose of MDMA. It charts what happened to Dan, the decisions he made and how it affected his family and friends - from tragedy to redemption - and all told in their own words. The title of the play comes from Dan's last words to his mum when he left home. It is now a GCSE Drama set text in England and Wales. You can find more information about the play on I Love You, Mum - I Promise I Won't Die » Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation (dsmfoundation.org.uk)

The play is approximately 45 minutes long and is followed by a 30-minute interactive drug education workshop run by the cast. The aim is to leave no student in doubt that they always have a choice about the decisions they make and that the risks associated with illegal substance use can be incredibly high. Students will learn key facts that will support them in making informed decisions and offer tools to help them to put their decisions into practice in a pressured situation.

This is a fantastic opportunity for your school and offered to you FREE of charge.

If you would like your school to book please complete this form with your expression of interest:https://forms.office.com/e/gpCpJ53e5Q

Please note the deadline for bookings is 19th June 2023If you have any queries, please contact sorted@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Please share with staff/parents/carers

Could you Foster a Child?

For Foster Care Fortnight (15th to 28th May) we'll be celebrating the remarkable people who provide care and support for children, babies and young people in need of a loving home.

We are always looking for more people to become foster carers and change the lives of children for the better. We're hosting a range of events to help those interested in becoming foster carers find out more about what's involved. 



We wish you a good half term break when it comes.


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