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5th June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you had a restful half term.

Please find our weekly briefing below and share with colleagues who can respond on behalf of your school or setting.  Many thanks.

Ongoing reminders:      


All schools to complete Funding for Universal Free School Meals in London Primary Schools Survey

By Friday 9th June 2023

Please add the next Head Teachers' Termly to your calendars.  Agenda and link to join the meeting will be shared shortly

On Thursday 15th June 2023 2 - 4 pm 

Governors can sign up to the 'Governors & School Data' training session on 27th June at 6 pm.  Please click here to sign up  

By Friday 16th June 2023

Schools can sign up to SEND Training here   



Prizes for Children who get Creative with their Food Waste Recycling

Primary-aged children can enter our competition and share pictures of their creative and sustainable ways to store, reduce and save money by recycling food waste. There will be three winners, with each taking home a prize. Find out more and submit entries at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/food-waste-competition


BIG ISSUE Schools Edition

Last month, colleagues from the Post 16 Team represented Hillingdon Council at a Social Enterprise event hosted at the House of Lords. The event was supported by Lord Bird to Launch the BIG ISSUE Schools Edition. Some schools were in attendance and presented business idea's, how they are learning to be sustainable (upcycling clothes/trainers) and how they raise money to support their local community (to donate to food banks etc). Other LA's were also in invited and there were conversations around how young people can be supported to explore options for their future.

How does Social Enterprise Schools work?

Delivered by local social entrepreneurs, their pupil-led programme supports young people to identify the environmental or social issue they want to solve and create a business to make that change happen. It has been shown to build individual confidence and wellbeing while developing essential skills in areas such as employability, global citizenship and leadership. By giving young people a real-life experience of running their own social enterprise, this programme delivers transformational learning which impacts them, their school and their community. For further information please see https://www.socialenterprise.academy/

The Big Issue Social Enterprise Schools Special 2023 (PDF) [11MB]


School Administrators and Business Managers Network Meeting (organised by the Hillingdon Governors Exec Committee) 

On: Thursday 22nd June 2023 

Time:  13:00 - 15:30 

Venue:  Committee Room 5, Civic Centre, Uxbridge 

Please contact: joannapalmer44@hotmail.com if you would like to attend. 



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