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Serious Youth Violence

Safeguarding Policy Addition for Schools (Word doc, 18 KB)


AXIS - The AXIS Service (local to Hillingdon) focuses on Child Criminal Exploitation as a whole. The service is responsible for identifying children and young people who are at risk of child sexual exploitation, possession with intent to supply (drug dealing and drug related concerns), Serious Youth Violence and Missing episodes - Any questions or concerns around serious youth violence can be sent to axis@hillingdon.gov.uk

Axis May 2023 Monthly Bulletin (PDF, 4 MB)


Serious Youth Violence Briefing (PDF, 186 KB)

Knife related offences for children - Most children that end up coming to the Youth Justice Service are telling our colleagues that they have been carrying a weapon because they are scared when out so it is helpful for you to be aware of this. You can access the MOPAC knife crime awareness intervention - Knife Crime Toolkit | London City Hall. You also have access to Fearless interventions Fearless - Safe4Me, where you can find teaching resources.


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