Parents and Carers
Available Services in Hillingdon (PDF, 127 KB)
Invite and information for Parent Group 2023 (Word doc, 83 KB)
Parent Support Group Poster and Invite (PDF, 5 MB)
Parent Carer Sessions (PDF, 704 KB)
Parenting Apart Programme
Our Parenting Apart Programme (PAP) supports parents who are going through conflict, divorce or separation, where relationships have broken down. It also supports the emotional wellbeing of children during this difficult time. The PAP offers a supportive environment for both parents, so they can work towards an agreed co-parenting relationship.
For more information about the programme, please click on the link Parenting Apart Programme - Hillingdon Council, Safeguarding Children Partnership.
If you would like to take part in the Parenting Apart Programme, get in touch with our Stronger Families Hub team by emailing or call 01895 556006.
Brilliant Parent Webinars:
Brilliant Parents Emotional Reslilence Lunch & Learn Webinar 30092022 - YouTube - with guest speaker Sam Abrahams examining the meaning of Emotional Resilience. During the webinar we look at the different types of stress as well as the most effective ways of managing life's challenges. By the end of this webinar, you will have a greater understanding of how stress can impact you, what you can do about it and day to day practices to keep it at bay.
Brilliant Parents Understanding ADHD and ASD - YouTube - with guest speaker Judah Racham explaining some basic information about ADHD and ASD. The session briefly will cover the diagnosis of these conditions and how children's development and behaviour are impacted. It will also discuss some of the ways that parents and schools can support children with these neurodiverse needs. Judah Racham is a BACP registered counsellor, and Parent-training Mentor, who currently works for a children's mental health charity as a programme leader. He has over 9 years' experience delivering counselling and therapeutic services for adults and children. Judah has been supporting parents and carers, delivering parent training and supervising parenting practitioners within local authorities and the NHS for over 18 years. He is also the father of 3 boys.
Brilliant Parents Webinar - Approaching Co-Parenting - YouTube - with Kam Kaur.
Brilliant Parents webinar: The Digital World for Teenagers - YouTube - Parenting today has many challenges, but one of the biggest must be, how do we raise emotionally sound children, whilst helping them navigate their way around the inescapable attraction and necessity of the digital world? As parents, it's important to increase our knowledge base, so that we have realistic expectations of ourselves and our children. We will examine the following questions: How much screen time is ok? Is my child addicted to: gaming/screen time/smartphone/tech? How do I keep my child safe online? How do I deal with aggression? Do we need to do a digital detox? In this webinar with Dr Michele McDowell, those questions and many more are answered.
Keeping children safe online - Parent's questions answered | Barnardo's ( - Is my child safe online? Parents' questions answered