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20th May 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below to cascade to your colleagues who can respond on behalf of your team, school or setting. 

We wish you a relaxing half term break when it comes.



All Headteachers or Deputies should attend the Head Teachers' Termly.  Agenda with MS Teams link to join will be shared shortly

On 18th June 10 am - 12 pm

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership



 Updates/Information for Primaries:

Phonics Yr 2 Summer Assessment - Indicative Pupil Numbers

The DfE has released an email to all LA's, together with a spreadsheet, that is a list of schools and pupil numbers per school expected to participate in the Yr 2 Phonics assessment this summer.  This year the DfE is being more cautious, they are stating these are indicative numbers.

The DfE is asking for "Schools must return check outcomes for all eligible year 2 pupils, along with those for their year 1 cohort, to their LA. LAs will submit all phonics check results data to the Department for Education via COLLECT."

Linked below is the DfE email to us, please ask your attainment lead to read the document, follow the advice and perform the necessary check from GIAP.

Phonics 2024 Year 2 Retakes (PDF) [104KB]

LA 312 (Excel doc) [18KB]

In your response to us please do not include pupil details, we need numbers of pupils only.  Please send your data to attainment@hillingdon.gov.uk .  We look forward to receiving your responses as soon as possible.


KS1 Summer Assessment

The DfE has made the reporting of KS1 assessments optional.  Hillingdon Council has decided to avoid adding extra workload to schools by NOT asking for submission of any assessments.  If a school does wish to make assessments please refer to the guidance here: 2024 optional key stage 1 tests guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) that provides information about how schools can use the tests, including when they will be available and how to get the most out of them.


Marc Sherman, Business Intelligence Team


Primary Music Network Online Drop-In

On Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd May at 3.30 - 4.30 pm, Hillingdon Music Service will be hosting Summer Term Primary Music Network Online Drop-In sessions. This is an informal online meeting for music coordinators and music specialists who work in our Primary Schools.

This is in place of the usual Primary Network Meeting that is usually held on a termly basis.

The sessions will be held via MS Teams and are an opportunity to discuss music education in schools. Please pass on the following link to your colleagues and feel free to direct any questions or apologies to rporter@hillingdon.gov.uk

To join the meeting:

Click here to join the meeting now

(Meeting ID: 384 795 541 60  Passcode: QtEnnd)


Hillingdon Libraires Summer Reading Challenge Launch

Please see:  SRC Launch Virtual Author Events (PDF) [224KB]



Updates/Information for Secondaries:

Ofsted Maths Subject Report: A Secondary Headteacher's Guide

Last month the Maths Hub ran a primary headteacher briefing with the Ofsted subject lead and had great turnout from many schools. The feedback received was really positive.

The Maths Hub are therefore running a similar event exclusively for secondary headteachers/deputies across London. Steve Wren, the maths subject lead, from Ofsted has agreed to run a 45-minute online briefing. Steve will be sharing the recommendations and key insights for heads.

The event is on 5th June from 09:30 - 10:15. The link to book is here.

Ofsted HT Briefing Flyer (PDF) [410KB]


Post 16 Update

On 11th June at 1 pm there will be a steering group at Haydon School where we will be discussing NEET prevention/14-16 vocational pathways as part of our key topics.  If you would like to come along, please email mpearson@hillingdon.gov.uk to be added to the mailing list.  This can be a key stage lead or any other appropriate colleague you feel would benefit from discussing 14-19 themes.

We will be hearing from CENTURY, which is an online platform that supports with functional skills/GCSE's - below is a more detailed explanation of what the buy in is for schools and students:

  • For students it's an online platform for maths, English and science for KS3 and KS4 plus Geography and PE at GCSE. There is also Functional Skills maths and English from Entry 1 - L2. The content is mapped to national curriculum and exam boards and includes mini learning episodes called nuggets with videos, slideshows and self marking assessment questions. It also includes base line assessments in strands of the exam board or national curriculum.
  • For staff it's all the data from these interactions including scores, gap analysis and effort data for an individual, a class, a cohort or over multiple schools. Staff save time in marking and setting differentiated work (they can set out homework if needed) and instead can just view the data from the students and plan interventions. Models of use include homework, in class as a morning activity / consolidation and as an independent learning tool.
  • With schools facing a shortage of teachers (especially Science and Maths) CENTURY is useful for a head of department to set work out to classes knowing it will be mapped to their curriculum and of a high quality plus being differentiated to those students so accessible across sets/year groups.

This is being introduced to you as part of NEET prevention and vocational pathways which can hopefully provide an alternative platform and also progression onto the correct pathway for some students when entering Post 16. 

For more information please see: Secondary schools - CENTURY

The MS Teams link below will be active at 1 pm when they are due to present the platform and field any questions. 

Join the meeting now

(Meeting ID: 331 583 613 321  Passcode: QVMMZy)


Mike Pearson, Post 16 Partnerships Co-ordinator


September Guarantee

It's that time of year again when the Post 16 Team needs your help to collect data for the September Guarantee.

The local authority has a duty to ensure all 16 & 17 year-olds have an appropriate offer of education, employment, or training (EET) by the end of September when they would enter Year 12 or Year 13.

Schools are required to share Year 11 and Year 12 intended destinations with the local authority in support of their own statutory duty to deliver careers guidance as well as to support 'Raising the Participation Age' (RPA) and the September Guarantee.

From May 2024, schools, colleges and further education provisions will be asked to share data on the intended destinations of their Year 11 and Year 12 students in order for the local authority to identify and support those without a suitable offer and are at risk of becoming NEET.

Please click here for further information on how to provide the data and timescales:  Heads letter- September Guarantee (2024-25) (PDF) [126KB] 


Ride London

Ford RideLondon-Essex are launching a new challenge in secondary schools to inspire more children and young people to cycle.

Learn more here and you can find further info from this press release.  Register to take part here.



For Action:

Summer 2024 School Census

As you are all aware the Summer Census has started.  We encourage all schools to submit their data as early as possible. Special attention will be paid to Enrolment Status, this does impact funding.  There is a possibility where a pupil is reported as current in two schools, and hence are classified as duplicates, the funding will be split across both schools.

Once you have submitted your return and corrected your errors please take advantage of the COLLECT Reports functionality.  Use these reports to identify duplicate pupils and so ensure you are receiving the correct funding.

To support schools in their efforts to reduce pupil duplications we will not approve any submissions until 6th June.  Of course, if all schools submit their data before the 6th we will start approving.  Please do not wait until the census deadline date to submit your data, this just delays the Approval and DfE Authorisation process for all Hillingdon schools.

We have identified 4 changes to this summer's return.  They are:

30-hour code [for summer 2024 census only] - We are changing the data item for 30-hour code (N00202) to eligibility code (N00202).

2-year-old basis for funding [for summer 2024 census only] - We are increasing the frequency we are collecting the funding basis data item (N00178) to termly from summer 2024 onwards.

EYPP [for summer 2024 census only] - From summer 2024, we will collect the EYPP data item (N00639) termly.

DAF [for summer 2024 census only] - We are extending the disability access fund (DAF) indicator (N00203) from summer 2024 onwards to 2-year-olds.

The above can be found at: Complete the school census - Changes for 2023 to 2024 - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The N00202 type references are the DfE's CDBS Identifier as listed in their CDBS spreadsheet that defines all DfE data items.


Marc Sherman, Business Intelligence Team


Have Your Say with 'The Big Listen'

Ofsted has launched The Big Listen, an opportunity for stakeholders to share views on the focus, policies, and practices of the inspectorate. This is particularly important for service children with SEND, as repeated moves can negatively impact outcomes. The Big Listen encourages organisations to engage with service providers and consider alternative approaches. Responses are accepted until 31st May.

Ofsted Big Listen - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


DfE School Defibrillator Registration

The National Defibrillator Network (The Circuit) has shared a need for the registration of all school defibrillators.  As you may be aware, there was a national roll out of defibrillators last year. As part of the process, schools should register their kit so it can then be recorded nationally and accessed by the Ambulance Service and others in an emergency.  Not all completed the final registration and we have been asked to remind schools of this last stage in the process.

You can look up the nearest one available to you on https://www.defibfinder.uk/.

The Circuit Introduction EBDOG (PDF) [2MB]

EBDOG copy v1 (Word doc) [26KB]


School Business Managers Network Meeting (organised by school governor Jo Palmer)

On: Thursday 20th June 2024 at 1 pm - 3.30 pm in Committee Room 6, Civic Centre, Uxbridge.

Please contact: joannapalmer44@hotmail.com if you would like to attend.


Please share with parents / carers

Learn Hillingdon

Please see details of May half term and summer workshops for adults:  May half term and Summer Workshops (PDF) [47KB]


Please share with parents / carers


GLL/ Better Health has partnered with NHS Northwest London to promote a health and wellbeing app to families called GRO HEALTH.

With a vision and ambition of addressing childhood obesity in NW London and combating long-term health issues or conditions stemming from an inactive or unhealthy lifestyle. We want to start by programming healthy behaviours from childhood and work with families to achieve a healthy future for generations to come.

To do this, we require a multifaceted approach, considering the unique challenges and needs of this diverse region. Interventions must be culturally sensitive, accessible, and tailored to effectively engage and support families in adopting healthier lifestyles.

Find out more on GRO HEALTH at: https://www.grohealth.com/ Through NHS NW London the app is available FREE to local families for 12 months from sign up. Eligibility for FREE registration is determined by at least one adult over 18 years old and at least one child between 5-18 years old living in the same household.

Registered users will have access to:

•       Thousands of healthy recipes and meal plans; starting from £1.50 a meal and tailored specifically to dietary requirements and preferences.

•       Workout videos; suitable for the whole family, from easy seated exercises through to more active

•       Mindfulness activities

•       Sleep advice and much more...

Please contact jiggy.trivedi-gardner@nhs.net or claire.olsen@napc.co.uk if you have any questions about the content or for further information.

Digital Pack for GRO HEALTH in Hillingdon Schools working with GLL (PDF) [349KB]


Please share with staff / parents / carers

Free Equalteach Training

Please see information  offering free online training for educators:  EqualiTeach Flyer - Staff Training for Educators (PDF) [635KB]

And free workshops for parents and carers in Hillingdon:  EqualiTeach Flyer - Workshops for Parents and Carers (PDF) [641KB]




Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

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