Training Sessions for Governors 2024/25
Being a Supportive & Challenging Governor Training Session - Tuesday 24th September 2024 6 - 7 pm
This online session was delivered by the LA School Improvement Primary Education Advisor, covered topics around strategic planning, school Improvement, financial management, accountability, support and challenge and compliance plus more.
Slides used during the session: Governor_training_.Challenge and support.session (PDF, 348 KB)
Safeguarding Training for Governors - Tuesday 12th November 2024 6 - 7.30 pm
Safeguarding training for governors is a mandatory annual requirement.
This training session provided a brief overview of different types of abuse children and young people may experience. It then focussed on the safeguarding requirements and best practice in schools and the role governors play in supporting this.
A recording of the session and access to the slides used can be found here :LA Safeguarding Training for Governors 2024/25
Ofsted Update for Governors - Wednesday 4th December 2024 6 - 7 pm
This online session looked at the updates to the school inspection handbook for maintained schools and academies and Ofsted's new approach to ungraded inspections.
Slides used during the session: OFSTED Update for Governors (PDF, 456 KB)
Ofsted governors prompt sheet (Word doc, 36 KB)
'Achievement for All' Session for Governors - Tuesday 21st January 2025 6 - 7.30 pm
Governors are invited to attend this online session, led by Michael Hawkins, Head of Education & Lifelong Learning,. This session will look at the Council's new Education Strategy and the area wide priorities for the next few years, with a particular focus on disadvantaged children. We will discuss the Hillingdon picture and ways governors can challenge and support the key actions schools are involved in. We will also look at inclusion, attendance and exclusions.
Governors can register HERE to attend.
more sessions will follow as they are planned