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13th January 2025

Dear Colleagues,

Please forward this email to the leads in your settings or team members who might be interested in the content, so they can follow up the relevant offers. Thank you in advance.



All schools should confirm their commitment to the 'Achievement for All Young People in Hillingdon' Programme (in response to the email sent to Headteachers on 06/01/25) HERE

by 17/01/25

Governors can register to attend the 'Achievement for All' Session HERE

on 21/01/25

Year 6 teachers can sign up to KS2 Writing Assessment and Moderation Briefing Session 2 HERE

on 13/02/25
Development Day for DSLs - further details to be shared soon 

on 04/04/25

Schools' Forum meeting papers can be accessed here


Emergency closures of all schools must be reported to education@hillingdon.gov.uk


Notification of Critical Incident  can be found here


Education Services contacts can be found here

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


HLP Course Booking



 For Action All Schools:

Spring School Census

The Spring School Census opens on Thursday 16th January 2025.  Please load your data into COLLECT as soon as possible on or after 16th January.  Resolve your school's errors/queries in your MIS (e.g., SIMS, Arbor, Bromcom, etc.) and then reload the return into COLLECT.  Resolving your errors/queries in your MIS does not mean the corrections are automatically fixed in COLLECT.  You must load the return from your MIS into COLLECT for them to take effect.

Please remember the issues caused last term by the Reports Query.  It takes 3-days for the processing flow to clear this query.  Every report listed query message must be run.  Any changes to your data will result in the Reports Query triggering again - hence another 3-days.

The familiarisation COLLECT version is already open and will close before the production version opens.  Please use this version to load your census data into so you can see the errors/queries that your live version will encounter.

Any queries can be emailed to msherman@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Marc Sherman, Business Intelligence Team


Learn Hillingdon Fully Funded Emotional Health & Wellbeing Courses

Term 2 EHW Courses 24-25 (PDF, 161 KB)


VAWG Toolkit

Tender's toolkit and training support teachers and governors to address issues of misogyny, sexual harassment and violence. The free online training helps staff utilise the Toolkits' resources and activities to educate children and young people about gender-based abuse, creating a shift in attitudes, behaviour and knowledge. 

They are holding a session for Hillingdon Governors on Tuesday 14th January at 5.30 pm. Please sign up via their website: https://tender.org.uk/our-services/training/toolkit-training/


Please share with parents / carers:

Families Roadshow

Come along to Ruislip Manor Library on 5th February to find out more about the Council's offer for families. Meet some of the partners in Hillingdon who work with families (including staff from our children's centres, Families Information Service and the NHS) and find lots of information for parents/carers at different stands.

Libraries Family Roadshow (PDF, 876 KB)

Families Roadshow - Discover Hillingdon



For Action Primary Schools:

SORTED Substance Use and Misuse Support Offer for Children in Year 6

The Substance Use and Misuse team (SORTED) have devised a package of support which includes workshops to address children's vulnerabilities with regards to substance misuse and child exploitation. Our SORTED team have historically worked in secondary schools across the borough however, we have, in response to growing concerns locally and nationally that children and young people are being exposed to teenage substance use earlier, expanded our education and prevention offer to primary schools. We are seeking to support schools to prevent their pupils' potential engagement in risky behaviours and raise awareness of the risk of grooming and child exploitation.

The Offer is a 50 min workshop for students which includes interactive games, video links, small group tasks and discussion. The workshop will be delivered by an experienced Programme Delivery Worker and most commonly used drugs and risks of using alcohol and nicotine-based products will be explored.

Workshops will be available from 20th January until 11th July 2025 on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays. To book please click here

Please take advantage of this opportunity to support your students in their transition year. Should you have any questions or queries please contact sorted@hillingdon.gov.uk


Establishing or Expanding Wraparound Care Grant Programme

A part of the DfE Expansion programme for Wraparound Childcare, funding is now available in the form of grants of up to £35,000 for new provision and £20,000 for expanding provision to fund staffing, resources, overheads and set-up costs to expand or create new wraparound care places. The grant is designed to help fund the provision whilst take up of places builds. Funding awards in the current round will be made up until the end of March 2025.

We are hosting a webinar on Monday 27th January from 11am until 11.45am on MS Teams, where an industry expert will be present on developing and expanding wraparound care and the support and funding available for Hillingdon schools to engage with the programme. This will be recorded for those who cannot attend.

To register your interest in the webinar or access the recording after the event, please complete this online form to register.

For more information, about the webinar or available funding, please contact Lisa Swales lswales@hillingdon.gov.uk


Support for Parents / Carers

The Council provides a range of services and support for parents with children under the age of five, with free sessions, courses and workshops at our family hubs, children's centres and online. 

There are sessions to help parents and carers build self-confidence, support for those who have a child newly diagnosed with autism spectrum condition, and others to help tackle fussy eating, promote positive bedtimes and support children to use the toilet independently. 

We also offer speech and language therapy, stay and play sessions, wellbeing support for mums, baby groups, child health clinics, and sessions specifically for dads and male carers. For the full range of sessions, visit our website

We'd also like your views on plans to develop our online offer for working parents.



For Action Secondary Schools:

SORTED Substance Misuse and Sexual Health and Relationships Education Offer for Secondary Schools

The Substance Use and Misuse Programme known locally as 'SORTED' and the Sexual Health and Well Being Programme known as 'KISS' are part of the Council's Targeted Team within the Youth Offer . SORTED and KISS offer a range of interventions for children and young people aged 11-24 to raise awareness and minimalize the risks around substance use and sexual health and relationships.  We also offer information and advice services to parents and training to professionals.  

The teams would like to offer a range of assemblies and workshops to all secondary schools in Hillingdon for this academic year. The assembly and workshop content is designed for approx.  50 min delivery.  



  • Young People and Cannabis 
  • Young People and Alcohol 
  • Young People and Party Drugs 
  • Young People and County Lines  


  • Young People and Consent 
  • Young People and Sexual Harassment 
  • Young People and Online Safety  
  • Young People and Child Sexual Exploitation  

To book please click these links:: 

Should you have any questions please contact: 

SORTED - sorted@hillingdon.gov.uk 

KISS -  shwb@hillingdon.gov.uk 

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to support your students to provide them with information to make positive informed choices.


HLP Secondary RE & RSHE Sessions 30/01/2025

Reminder that both sessions are being held at Northwood School on 30th January:

Secondary RSHE session - 11 am - 1 pm

Secondary RE session - 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

For both events, please bring with you your current curriculum and book your places using the links above.



Warm regards,

Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

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