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December 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the Schools Finance Christmas Bulletin. We hope you are looking forward to the Christmas break and whatever this festive season has in store for us in these unprecedented times.

COVID-19 Workforce Fund

The Department of Education has setup a fund to support schools that have a high level of absence due to COVID-19. The full article has previously been communicated on the LEAP platform, however we await full guidance of how schools can claim. Details of the announcement can be found here.

COVID-19 Catch-up Grant

Following the requirement to publish details of spending relating to the COVID-19 catchup grant; attached is a template and examples of the model requirement. The highlighted yellow text indicates where you can overtype your school's information.

COVID-19 Exceptional Costs Grant

The COVID-19 Exceptional Cost Grant second claim window is open to applications. The same criteria and thresholds apply as in the first round, with only additional costs incurred between March and July to be claimed for. This second and final window is open until the 22nd of December 2020.


As by way of an early reminder, the Quarter 3 VAT Submittals will fall due on the 7th of January. As always, we have a tight turnaround with these returns to ensure reimbursement by the end of the following month.

Please note that from Q3 going forward, we will require a full VAT report in excel format with your submissions. The guidance document will be updated and sent shortly. The guide to produce the report, in the required format is attached.

Lease Return

In early preparation for year end 20-21 we have attached the lease return template. This is due by the 22nd of January 2021.

School Meals

FSM Vouchers

We have received several calls regarding the process for providing FSM vouchers over the Christmas holidays. Our understanding is that this will be managed centrally at the LA using a third-party provider. A formal announcement is expected today or tomorrow.

Adult Meal VAT

HMRC has extended the 5% VAT rate on adult paid staff meals until the 31st of March 2021


SBS Helpline and email

SBS provides a helpline to schools for technical questions:

Telephone: 0345 222 1551 option 8
Email: sbsonline@schoolbusinessservices.co.uk

Please continue to contact your link officer for finance queries.

Kind Regards

Schools Finance Team



LBH COVID Catch-Up Grant Template (Word doc, 34 KB)

LBH COVID Catch-Up Grant Examples (Word doc, 35 KB)

Lease Return Template 2020-21 (Excel doc, 23 KB)

Full VAT Report guidance (PDF, 102 KB)

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