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10th May 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly   Education Executive Summary [179KB]   round-up of schools' guidance update.



Complete the survey for the new Regional Teaching School Hub

Early Career Teachers Survey

Friday 14th May

FSM - complete the attached spreadsheet for FSM over May Half Term

Friday 14th May

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Weekly for Early Years Settings

Hillingdon Music Hub youth consultation:




School Courses 

The following subsidised courses are taking place next week on Monday 17th May - please visit Training and Development - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk) to find out more information and book a place:

  • Practical approaches to reading and vocabulary development for NQTs and RQTs
  • Teaching and leading computing KS1&2

Improving School Attendance

On 5 May 2021, the government updated the guidance on school attendance for councils, maintained schools, academies and independent schools. This document gives guidance to schools and local authorities to support them to improve school attendance.

The first part of the document sets out the principles underpinning an effective whole school strategy for attendance.

The second part of the document outlines actions that school staff and local authorities may consider taking to improve attendance for all pupils, pupils at risk of persistent absence and pupils who are persistently absent (PA).

Please see the document as follows: Improving school attendance: support for schools and local authorities - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  

Governor Training Resources

Further to the governors training session on Tuesday 4th May, please find attached the presentation and resources, which you are welcome to share with your governors.

  1.  Governors Presentation [643KB]
  2.  School Attendance Guidance April 2021 [67KB]
  3.  Good Practice Attendance Strategies [47KB]

Children, Young People and Mental Health

Today commences mental awareness week. A survey on the mental health of children and young people in England was completed in July 2020. This survey focused on the changes since the previous survey undertaken in 2017, along with the experiences of family life, education, services, worries and anxieties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some of the key facts identified from the survey:

  • Rates of probable mental disorders have increased since 2017 and are likely to increase with age.
  • A significant number of children and young people reported having sleep problems.
  • Children and young people feel less supported by their schools and colleges and felt that lockdown had made their life worse.

More in-depth information about the survey can be explored here.

This week, let us ensure that concentrated time is given to checking in on our children and young people. Consider having special pop-up drop-in clinics or using assembly time to highlight the impact of mental health. Ultimately, we need to ensure that all children and young people feel that they can approach someone should they feel overwhelmed by life in any way.

Further MH and Wellbeing support and resources for schools can be found on LEAP.

Free School Meals confirmation

We are requesting information relating to children entitled to free school meals attending your school.  To ensure all families are able to access the May half term voucher scheme please provide us with the details of families who have either become newly eligible or have been removed since 16th April 2021. Please send a nil return if there are no changes.

Please complete and return the  FSM New Claimants May 2021 [20KB] excel document by Friday 14th May to wintergrant@hillingdon.gov.uk.

If you have any queries relating to the this scheme please do not hesitate to contact us at wintergrant@hillingdon.gov.uk

Reception Baseline Assessment

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) will be statutory in schools from September 2021. The RBA provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. Pupils will complete practical tasks using physical resources, and practitioners will log their responses using an online platform.

The DfE have published the assessment and reporting arrangements to be used by Headteachers and schools.

On Monday 17 May, Headteachers will receive a short online form to fill out. This form will capture key information about the school.  You will also need to nominate an RBA lead to oversee the day-to-day running of the assessment.

Assessment resources will be delivered to schools from Tuesday 8 June.

Ofsted Subject Reviews Published

Ofsted have recently published the first of the research reviews on subjects across the curriculum. The documents will be published in two phases, beginning with the research reviews in the summer term. The reviews will set out the literature that informs the way Ofsted think about high-quality education in each subject.

The subject reports will follow in the autumn, and will be based on evidence from the subject 'deep dives' in EIF (Education Inspection Framework) inspections as well as additional research visits.

Please see the link below to access the first of the research reviews for Science and a blog from Ofsted on best practice when teaching Modern Foreign Languages in primary:



Ofsted Blog on Languages in outstanding primary schools:


Make a difference to the lives of local teenagers (Foster for Hillingdon Council)

Hillingdon Council has launched a new fostering campaign during National Foster Care Fortnight (10 to 23 May)to inspire local people to look after teenagers in need of guidance and stability.

The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to a rise in mental health and safeguarding concerns for children in care. There are currently 337 children and young people in the council's care, with two thirds of those over the age of 13. Foster carers are needed now more than ever. Please help us raise awareness about fostering and how this can be a rewarding endeavour.

Children and young people who are unable to live at home with their parents or other family members need the care of foster parents who can offer a safe home where they can thrive and develop.

People from all backgrounds can foster, the minimum age is 25, and a spare bedroom is needed for any child fostered over the age of 2. We support and guide you in the fostering role and you receive a generous allowance, among other benefits.

The link below provides more information about fostering for Hillingdon Council.

Could you foster? - Hillingdon Council

The   Hillingdon New Fostering Campaign [231KB] article in the current issue of Hillingdon People about one of our foster carers who fosters teenagers.

Please share this information with parents/carers and staff via any means you feel appropriate.

For more information on fostering visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/fostering, or call 0800 783 1298, or email fosteringrecruitment@hillingdon.gov.uk

Foster Care Fortnightis the UK's biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, delivered by leading fostering charity The Fostering Network. Established in 1997, the campaign showcases the commitment, passion and dedication of foster carers. It also supports fostering services to highlight the ne ed for more foster carers. Thousands of new foster families are needed every year to care for children, with the greatest need being for foster carers for older children, sibling groups, disabled children and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

NGA Governance - have your say in the annual school governance survey

School governors, trustees and local governing body members/local academy committee members are encouraged to share your experience of governance, views on topical education policy and governing board's practice in the annual governance survey.

Whatever your role on the governing board, however long you have been involved in governance, the NGA welcome the contribution of all governance volunteers. The findings will be used to continue to effectively represent and support governing boards in their role.

Please share it with others on your governing board and your wider networks. Depending on the answers you give, the survey will take around 20 minutes to complete. The survey is open until Thursday 10 June at 9am. Complete the survey at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NGAsurvey2021-local/



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