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4th October 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly Education Executive Summary round-up of schools' guidance update. 



SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Contact Abi Preston with your confirmed vaccination consents no later than 3pm before the day of your visit: apreston@hillingdon.gov.uk

No later than 3pm before your visit

Sign up for Mandatory Exploitation Awareness training for Hillingdon DSLs 


Complete defibrillator survey (all schools)

11th October

Register your interest for targeted SEND & Inclusion Training 

22nd October

Ongoing reminders:  

 Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:  



Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via this online form 

w/c 11th October

1 x November TBC

1x December TBC

Year 2 Phonics Screening Check Autumn 2021 

This is a reminder that schools will need to complete and submit their Year 2 Phonics Screening checks by the end of the Autumn term. (See hyperlink below for the DfE guidance).  Results should be uploaded on the DfE's S2S system - could you please email Steve Buckingham at: SBuckingham@hillingdon.gov.uk  once this has been done providing the File Name. Steve will also be able to assist with any questions you may have about the process. 

When uploading your file to S2S it should follow this naming formula: 

The filename should be of the form 312####_CTF_312LLLL_$$$.XML, where #### is the 4-digit DfE number of your school, and $$$ is a 3 digit number generated automatically by SIMS. 

For example

School DfE number 1234 

CTF file is for Phonics - PHO 

3 digit number generated automatically by SIMS eg 001 

Your reference number would look like this: 


Administering the phonics screening check to year 2 pupils in the 2021 autumn term - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

HR training for Governors - Browne Jacobson

 BrowneJacobson LLP - HR Services for Schools [840KB]

We would like to thank Browne Jacobson for their recent training run for governors.  

Browne Jacobson LLP are a national law firm independently recognised as an award-winning, leading provider of legal and HR services for schools. Their dedicated, specialist lawyers and HR consultants are on hand whenever you need them. They genuinely want to help you do what is best for your school, pupils and staff. Their expertise includes  (but is not limited to): admissions, behaviour and exclusions, child protection and safeguarding, data protection and FOI, health and safety, HR and employment advice, and SEN, equality and disability.

Check out their website for up-and-coming events. Alternatively, for further information on how they can help you call 0370 270 6000, email education@brownejacobson.com or visit brownejacobson.com/education

'BOUNCE': Self-Esteem and Resilience Building Programme- School Years 4, 5 and 6

London Borough of Hillingdon Adolescent Development Services is pleased to announce that they will be running another cohort of the 6-week programme called 'Bounce' after October Half Term. This programme is for young people in school years 4 to 6 who require support with building self-esteem and resilience and the challenges they may face including the return to school. If you have any young people in your school, service or organisation that would benefit from this intervention, then please do refer them to the programme using the link below. 

'Bounce!' is a 6-week group intervention programme for young people in school years 4 to 6 who require support with building self-esteem and resilience and the challenges they may face including the return to school. The programme is designed to be both therapeutic and interactive.

There will be two different groups at two different venues and the programme details are as follows: 

Venue 1:  Brookfield Adult Learning Centre, Park Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1NP. 

Dates: Tuesday 2nd November 2021 (for 6 weeks with the last session being Tuesday 7th December 2021) 

Time: 4:15 to 5:45pm 

Venue 2:  Barra Hall Children's Centre, Wood End Green Road, Hayes, UB3 2SA. 

Dates: Friday 5th November 2021 (for 6 weeks with the last session being Friday 10th December 2021) 

Time: 4:15 to 5:45pm

Aims & Objectives  For Participants to:  

  • Understand that challenges and set backs are part of life 
  • Build resilience through identifying challenges that have been overcome 
  • Enhance positive emotions through using positive strategies

Session topics 

  • This is Me 
  • Healthy and Happy Friendships 
  • Coping with Change 
  • Positive Thinking 
  • Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds 
  • My Hopes and Dreams


  • Young person needs to be in school year 4-6 at start of project.   
  • Young person needs to live, go to school or be looked after by the London Borough of Hillingdon. 
  • Parental/guardian consent is needed for the young people to participate.    
  • Young person needs to be able to attend all 6 sessions 
  • Young person needs to be able to participate in group discussion/activities

Please note that there are limited spaces, however we are aiming to run the programme twice per term and so if your child does not gain a place on the forthcoming programme, they will be allocated to the next. 

Referral to programme 

To make a referral visit https://rebrand.ly/targetedprogrammes, input the appropriate supporting information and indicate that you are referring to the 'Bounce!' programme.   

If you have any questions about this programme or wish to discuss the young people you are thinking of referring, please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below. 

Chamila Somaskandan, Transition Support Programme Coordinator, Adolescent Development Services, Children Services, London Borough of Hillingdon 

Office Telephone: 01895 277222 ext 7222.  Email: csomaskandan@hillingdon.gov.uk 

Teenage Pregnancy Knowledge Exchange: Sex Ed Forum Autumn Training on SEND, Gender Power & Consent, Sexual Health and FGM 

The Sex Education Forum's autumn training programme includes an exciting new specialist SEND leadership programme for RSE and a calendar of online training of webinars and longer courses, including a 3-part series covering teaching about FGM, sexual health and gender, power and consent.

Leading Effective RSE in SEND Settings: A new training programme spanning the academic year 2021-22

The Sex Education Forum (SEF) has launched an exciting new specialist programme, which provides developmental CPD for teachers of RSE in special schools working with learners with MLD and Autistic Spectrum Conditions. The programme will be led by Rachael Baker, qualified teacher (PGCE Sec, MA Ed), SEND specialist, and senior RSE specialist at SEF. The programme will combine online, interactive webinars with a programme of development within school.

Spanning the academic year 2021-22, the programme will support teachers to: 

  • Become successful champions for RSE in your school 
  • Create a whole-school approach to RSE for learners with SEND, working with your school leaders and wider staff 
  • Form a Community of Practice with RSE leads in similar settings 
  • Have school-wide impact, supporting RSE leads, SLT, teachers and support staff to deliver and support effective RSE

This programme is an ideal developmental next step for any teacher developing their specialism in RSE for SEND, and teachers looking to progress to subject leadership, and whole school RSE responsibility. 

Further information and a slide pack is available from the Sex Education Forum website. Places cost £975.  Booking is now open via Eventbrite for the first cohort. Places are limited to ensure small group size. 

Teaching About Gender, Power and Consent in RSE 

Interactive Webinar: 13 October 2021, 15:45 - 17:00 

Designed with Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 teachers and RSE / PSHE leads in mind, this 75 minute webinar will support participants to: 

  • Know what is required by the Government RSHE guidance in terms of teaching about consent, gender and violence against women and girls 
  • Explore the research evidence about addressing gender and power in RSE and how this can be translated into effective practice in RSE lessons 
  • Consider examples of how we can examine and challenge harmful gender norms in RSE 
  • Gain confidence in fostering gender equality and LGBTQ+ equality in the classroom and whole school. 

This webinar can be attended as a stand-alone event or as a trio with Teaching about FGM and Teaching sexual health in RSHE.  Tickets start from £34.99. Booking details are here. 

Browse Sex Education Forum autumn training calendar.

Mandatory Exploitation Awareness training for Hillingdon DSLs 

This year Hillingdon has introduced a mandatory training for all DSLs on exploitation.  This is recognising the ongoing concern regarding the exploitation of children & young people, including an increase in concerns regarding primary age children. The updated KCISE (2021) has highlighted the need for schools to be alert to the risk factors regarding different types of exploitation and youth violence and this will also be a focus from Ofsted when looking at Safeguarding in your setting. 

The training will be run by Phil Skidmore from Axis and will provide DSLs with an overview of CCE & county lines, CSE, Serious Youth Violence, gang affiliations/culture and missing episodes including current trends and themes in Hillingdon and nationally, signs & indicators for school staff to look out for and what to do. The session will also cover the role of Axis and the work they do in diverting young people away from exploitation and onto a better path highlighting the importance of schools in this area and the key to information sharing.

The aim of the session will be to increase DSLs awareness in this area and to support DSLs to disseminate this information to all school staff (additional resources will be shared to support in this). 

The sessions will be on:

Friday 8th October 10am -11am (Via MS Teams) - Focus for Primary Settings

Tuesday 2nd November 2pm-3pm (Via MS Teams) - Focus for Secondary Settings 

Session are free of charge  

As the training is mandatory we are asking that all Hillingdon DSLs attend as a minimum (also open to DDSLs/headteachers/pastoral staff).  

Please could you email Hannah Ives, hives@hillingdon.gov.uk to let her know which training you will be attending and a link will then be sent out to you prior to the sessions.

Armistice Day 2020 

Remembrance maroons will be launched from 11 sites across the borough on the 11th of November 2021 at 11:00 and 11:02 to mark the start and finish of the two-minute silence.  The maroons do make a bang which can be very loud if the site happens to be close to your school so you may wish to let your students know to expect it.

Head Teachers Termly 

  • Thursday 11th November 2021 
  • 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Virtual session - Agenda and link to be shared shortly


LA Schools' Governance Service Event - All Governors 

  • Tuesday 5th October 2021 
  • 5 pm to 7 pm 
  • Virtual session - please see Agenda for link to join meeting

 LA School Governance Service Agenda [72KB]

We look forward to seeing as many governors as possible there to hear an update from a variety of Local Authority Services. 

Free Governor Briefing Sessions 2021/22 brochure 

Following on from the success of last year's governor briefing sessions the LA Schools' Governance Service have created a brochure for the 2021/22. There are 13 different sessions for key service areas and will allow governors to gain a better understanding of the processes and the responsibility of the schools. To view the brochure and to book your place onto any of these sessions please click here or see the brochure  here [305KB]

SEND and Inclusion Training  

The SEND and Inclusion Service are excited to share with you our 2021-22 training offer. There are a range of universal and targeted training sessions available to sign up to within the brochure here.  Please Register your interest for targeted training by Friday 22nd October 2022.

NHS Urgent Mental Health Crisis Support

Please see  attached [263KB] flyer for information on how to access urgent NHS Mental Health Crisis Support 24/7 for all ages - children, young people and adults. Please share this with pupils and families within your school newsletters.


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