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Online Safety

CEOP Education (thinkuknow.co.uk) - The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse.  They do this through an education programme, providing training, resources and information to professionals working with children, young people and their families.


#AskTheAwkward aims to help parents and carers have regular conversations with their children about online relationships and more. The resource includes three short films created in a social experiment style, with real parents and their children to capture their reactions to a range of questions. If you work directly with parents and carers, why not also deliver an independent #AskTheAwkward parents and carers workshop using our Facilitators Guide?

Teachers and school staff - UK Safer Internet Centre - Formed of three charities, ChildnetInternet Watch Foundation and SWGfL, we work together to identify threats and harms online and then create and deliver critical advice, resources, education and interventions that help keep children and young people, and adults, safe. We share our best practices across the UK and globally.

10 Online Safety Tips for Gaming  - National Cybersecurity Alliance (staysafeonline.org)

Online harm and abuse: learning from case reviews | NSPCC Learning -   Key issues around online harm and abuse highlighted in the case reviews. Reasons why some children and young people are particularly vulnerable to online harm and abuse. Learning to help professionals prevent and respond to incidences of online harm and abuse.

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC 

Staying safe online | Childline - Includes videos made by children about online safety. Research suggests that children are more likely to take account of what other children say than professionals or parents.

Online safety issues - Advice to support children | Internet Matters

Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

News & Opinion - Internet Matters -  See the latest online safety news, research, parents stories and more to stay informed. All the different Apps and Platforms can be found here. Helpful for parents and professionals.

A guide to the Online Safety Bill - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Keeping children safe online - Parent's questions answered | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk) - Is my child safe online? Parents' questions answered

Discord - What parents need to know about the App  DiscordSafetyposter (PDF, 2 MB)

Cyber Choices Guidance - External (PDF, 726 KB)

Here are the links to the YouTube videos:

Cifas 'Data to go' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq-0tjv4_BA

Created to show how easy traceable information can be obtained with the simplest of searches online.  Watch to see the response when unsuspecting customers see their personal information written down on a coffee cup!

Sliding Doors - https://youtu.be/95DX_deVlM8

Young, talented student Kai has exceptional cyber skills, and a bright future ahead of him but he is then challenged whilst online to use his skills for illegal hacking! The video shows two pathways, illegal hacking or using his coding skills to help a friend create a new and exciting mobile phone app.

NCA Teenage Cyber Crime - https://youtu.be/DjYrxzSe3DU

The generational difference of understanding a young person skills online is clearly shown here with this educational video created by the National Crime Agency. Watch as you see the 'penny drop' when the realisation hits home for both the parents and the young person concerned. 

Little Media Videos [a number of tips & advice to prevent you from becoming the victim of fraud & scams] - https://www.met.police.uk/littlemedia

A number of short videos covering tips & advice to prevent you from becoming the victim of fraud & scams, that include: online shopping, passwords, computer service software fraud to name a few.


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